Looking for Better Jitter Reduction in a DAC

I'm looking to improve the jitter control in my digital setup, which hopefully will create a more analogue presentation. I own a PS Audio PW Memory Transport, which sports a FPGA, and a Nuwave DSD DAC with a scaled-down version of the gate array.

   I have owned a Chord which uses this technology and it was like listening to analogue recordings. I sold it only because it's soundstage was very forward, like sitting in the front row of a concert hall. My current PS Audio setup has wide and deep imaging, as does my Atma-Sphere preamp.
   I have auditioned the Schiit Grundir and it was a bit too fast in the attack and transients, but had the dynamics and deep imaging that I like. So, I guess what I'm looking for is a unit with a laid-back, realistic musical presentation.

The Mytek Digital Stereo192 DSD and Blue Circle DAC are in my price range, but there is no way to audition them.
  So any recommendation and advice is appreciated. DSD preferred, budget is about $1200 used.

@dlcockrum   Dave, looking forward to your findings and impressions with the ISOREGEN and UltraCap LPS-1.
Hi david_ten,

I violated the audiophile cardinal rule and changed speaker cables right after adding the ISO Regen. I figure late this week will be enough time for the new SCs to settle and for me to adjust, so I will do some with and without ISO Regen trials and report back.

Dave, I’ve had a number of change ups of late also, which does impact evaluation. I’m repeating something you most certainly know...enjoy the gear for a few weeks and then remove the Uptone products. : )

I’ve had my replacement ISOREGEN for a couple of weeks now. It is powered by the UltraCap LPS-1 also. I’m in the same situation as you are.
That sounds like the way to go when using coax. Didn't know that iFi made a reclocker, looks good. I almost bought the Synchromesh when I was using an ARC as my transport, but I discovered the great deal on the discontinued PWT.
As I stated earlier, I'm not married to I2S. I have Oyaide and Audience A24 SPDIF cables.

The reason I've been thinking it's a jitter issue is due the fact that music still sounds "digital" from my all tube system.  I've read many positive results on the PS Audio Forum when using I2S, but this was when using Directstream or Perfectwave DAC's. The PWT outputs a bit-perfect stream thru HDMI, but I'm using a budget DAC.
However, I do like the timbre and dynamics my system presents.   

There is a Blue Circle R2R DAC available, it’s about 5 years old, and limited to only 24/96 USB. But I do like their gear.

An Ayre Codex has become available, but I don’t know about using all optical. I don’t even know if there are any reclockers for optical.