Which DVD player

I'm looking for a DVD player that will upconvert to 1080i, but which also has a nice 2 channel audio component. Some of the models that I've been thinking of:

Denon 3930
Marantz 9600
Rotel RDV-1092
Arcam DV137

Any thoughts?
If you're still interested, I just purchased the Rotel RDV-1092, which actually converts to 1080p (as well as 1080i). For superior video output, one might want to consider the Denon 3930. However, when it comes to 2-channel analog playback, the 1092 is, from my perspective, the hands-down the best performer (I did compare it with the Denon and Arcam DV-137 in my own home, but separately - not A/B - side-by-side). The Arcam was also excellent at 2-channel playback, but at nearly $700 less (I got a great deal from my dealer), it was a no-brainer to go with the Rotel. I did do a serious side-by-side A/B comparison with the Rotel and my ARC DAC-II / EAD T-7000 transport (which is older gear by today's standards - but, at $6,000 ten years ago, was among the top of the heap). The Rotel was so good; I could not really distinguish any noticeable differences in performance. I went with the 1092 because of the audio performance, not because of the video. However, the video is outstanding. My plasma does not do 1080p, but at 720p the video is incredible (much better than the 1080i- I believe progressive is better than interlaced). Hope this is helpful.
Note: the Rotel does an outstanding job with red book CD playback. Also note, I believe Arcam did away with the SACD playback option for the DV-137 (the Rotel does not play SACD either). I am very satisfied with the Rotel.

Congrats 2chnlben, enjoy the rotel. BTW, how much did you pay? I am pretty set on the Rotel for source.
Yup, I have the same conclusion. If you do not need SACD playback, go with the Rotels. The good thing about Rotel gears is that they pay a lot of attention to power supply design which is a big plus compare to the main stream Denon and Marantz.
Thanks for the advice. I am not interested in SACD anyways, so I would probably lean to the Rotel. I have a dealer nearby that sells both the Denon and the Rotel, so hopefully I can demo both.
Rs691919, I paid $1,350 for a new unit. I actually traded in my separate transport/converter and Pioneer Elite DVD player, along with several greenbacks. For the money, I'm very impressed with the Rotel. Again, my priority is the audio. I do believe there are other players in the same price range that offer better video playback. However, you'd need a TV with true 1080p to take advantage of these fine details. Of course you can find more refined audio in a universal player too, but you'd probably have to spend at least a grand or more to compete with the Rotel (imho).

Good luck,