Integrated amp

I'm putting together  2nd/bedroom system. Any advice on a integrated amp? I would be using Silverline 17s, or Tetras. The Silverlines need some juice to come alive. A friend suggest Onkyo 9050, Cambridge Topaz 20 as possibilities. Opinions and suggestions would be most helpful.
nad is good; Creek is a step up

Nuforce is an award winning amp and is very inexpensive - may be a couple on Amazon (return priv. may apply) if people have not snapped them all up yet
The Tetra's look interesting. I'd lean towards those instead of the Silverline's.
Both seem to be fairly efficient, and rated at 8 ohms, so they shouldn't be power hungry, but I never listened to either, so I could be wrong.
If going with monitors, you'll probably need a subwoofer to plumb the lower frequencies.
The Onkyo 9050 looks nice, but I think the integrated DAC would be its' weak point.
Do you have a budget for the integrated amp?
Look into Raven Audio out of Texas.  I have a Reflection MK2 and the sound is awesome.  Different levels and price points.  All Tube amps.