Tekton Speakers,Who owns them and what did you replace and why.

Now obviously this thread has been started for the owners of any current model of Tekton speakers and if you haven't at least heard them keep your speculation to yourself.If you have heard or owned any current model and decided they aren't for you I would like to read your opinion as well.

This thread is intended for learning and furthering the enjoyment of music playback in our homes.

I own the Double Impacts myself and I will add bits of my story as this thread progresses,most of which has been posted in other threads,I want to hear from others.

Let her ripp,


I appreciate the link to Paul's video and I found it to be very interesting.I know I love my DS dac best digital that I have had.

Maybe you will get a chance to listen to a pair of DI's or other Tekton speakers sometime.I don't know anybody in your state that has them and I live quite a distance from you.

I have posted several details and my opinions of this DI speaker on other threads that I don't want to repeat here for now but here is some other thoughts pertaining to this design and It's lack of exotic material drivers.

I tend to fall into the tribe that likes a more natural sounding speaker overall,and I don't like most modern "HiFI" speakers regardless of the cost.

1. In order to have a powerful, dynamic speaker you need to move a lot of air. The 22 drivers in these DIs do this with ease.
2. In order to recreate vocal and timbral accuracy, your speaker must move the air JUST RIGHT and stay within the sweet spot of movement.The principle of the DI, using low mass drivers to replicate harmonic and format (Vocal overtones) structures accomplishes this accurate air movement.


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I have the Pendragons and really enjoy them for HT and Music.I turned a friend on to them and he also bought a pair.Yep,he loves them as well.I think about upgrading someday to the DI's but that is a long way off still.I need to wait until the youngest Grandkids get older else I might as well kick those those low hanging fruit woofers in myself.They are already trained to leave the guitars that sit in the stand alone[they have their own guitar]but,when they are around, a WWE "Wrastling"match can breakout at anytime.
I am enjoying a pair of lore impulses, great speaker. I made a shift from monitors and sub . 
Great thread Kenny,

I replaced my Legacy Audio Focus SE's, which were very nice speakers, with the DI's and I couldn't be happier. Efficient. Musical. Dynamic. Neutral. Detailed. Basically they sound "right" to me. My previous Tekton speakers were the Enzo's which replaced my Magnepan 1.7i's for many of the same reasons above. As much as I liked the Enzo's the DI's take things to a whole new level and it sounds like their PMD line take things to another level yet......having said that I'm pretty sure any Tekton speaker will provide a lot of musical instruments enjoyment.