The SLP-05 Ultimate Upgrade

I saw that Cary is offering an upgrade package for the SLP-05.  I love this pre.  Stock as a rock, but with 6sn7w and RCA greyglass vt231.  Has anyone heard an upgraded SLP05 or might anyone have an opinion on the likely sonic result from the upgrades?


From Cary's site:

We have had numerous requests from customers for many years regarding possible upgrades to the SLP-05 preamplifier. For the past couple of years, we have made it a project to find the appropriate combination of components to take the SLP-05 to another level. Finally, we believe we have achieved our goal. We are incredibly happy with the results of these upgrades which can be installed in any SLP-05, no matter the vintage. The “Ultimate Upgrade” consists of changes to the power supply as well as the line stage circuit.

The power supply portion of the upgrade consists of “maxing out” the filtering capabilities along the entire power supply chain, all the way into and including the preamplifier. Purifying DC voltages is extremely important to providing a clean, clear, smooth sound quality that is free from grain, noise and strident artifacts. This also improves imaging qualities as it provides a much blacker background. The type and quantity of capacitance are important as we are not just adding an extra 1200uf of UCC electrolytic capacitance into the main B+ (high voltage) supply but also an additional total of 125uf of Polypropylene capacitors throughout the B+ line. This includes a huge 100uf Polypropylene capacitor right at the line stage PC board. The rest of the additional capacitors are used as bypass capacitors across each UCC electrolytic filter capacitor. This provides a dramatically smooth, sweet sound quality.
In the line stage circuit, we change the resistors to high quality 1% Vishay metal film plate load and cathode resistors. This parts change improves the midrange and bass substantially for a fuller, more textured midrange. You will notice more body and texture to vocals and acoustic instruments, etc. Bass is more authoritative and tight. Highs are smoother yet detailed.
And finally, for the pièce de résistance. We are removing all of the coupling capacitors and installing (10) Mundorf MCap coupling capacitors throughout the entire line section. This is the final addition that completely allows the sound qualities of the SLP-05 to shine through, resulting in a sweet, fluid, full bodied yet delicate delivery of every single instrument and natural vocal detail. It is done without adding brightness, and yet delivers an amazing amount of air and detail revealing the acoustics of the room and instruments with breathtaking natural realism. There is body, texture and fullness to instruments that break through with such ease and delicacy no matter the complexity of the music.
The “Ultimate Upgrade” is not just an upgrade. It elevates the SLP-05 to a whole other level of sound quality. It retains the attributes of the SLP-05 that you know and love but gives you more of everything.
The complete upgrade is priced at $1,595 which includes all parts, labor, and FREE shipping back to you. If you purchase a new SLP-05, you will be able to add this upgrade during the checkout process on

Thanks so much Iwin, very helpful. I am going to do it. Mine is also 10 years old, at a minimum, it probably needs a little tune up.
Hi All,

So I too went ahead and had my 8+ year old SLP05 ugraded.  Got it back yesterday along with a set of (6) RCA tubes from Cary.  Tubes were matched on selection and then adjusted prior to initial burn-in check at Cary Audio to optimize gain match.

I am currently running it in using standard fuses and my emergency backup jj rectifier rather than my NOS Mullard.  Also have my Golden Ear sevens hooked up during this run in rather than my Harbeth SHL5+ speakers.  So the sound may not be optimized for my tastes yet.  FYI, my system chain is a music-dedicated MBPro running JRiver MC21 > ISO  Regen with LPS-1 power supply > PS Audio DS DAC > SLP-05 > Pass XA-30.5 amp.  Running fully balanced from DAC to amp.

Of course I have l Listened a while to get a quick first impression of the sound.  And I must say that I am impressed and extremely pleased with what I am hearing.  Even with a few second string components in place the sound is much better than it was previously with my regular lineup.  I would echo the description by Iwin.  Immediately obvious was the lack of speaker hiss.  Much more quiet than before even though I then had in a new set of Sophia Electric 6SN7s which I have found to be the quietest tubes of all the many that I have tried.  Of course a little of the other sound attributes I'm hearing may be due to the new set of RCA tubes,  but considering that I have tried eight other sets of NOS tubes along with four sets of new production ones, I think I have a reasonable feel for what the preamp upgrade brings to the party.

Therefore, in no particular order, these are the "improvements" I hear over the original SLP05:
          1.  Deeper, tighter and more impactfull bottom end.
          2.  Soundstage is somewhat deeper and wider with great image specificity and stability.
          3.  Tone density improved while maintaining transparency of individual instruments.
          4.  Very smooth, organic sound yet with excellent dynamics. 
          5.  And most pleasingly noted by me is the sound wave impact and decay which is now much closer to that heard in a live performance.  That is to say the notes now start and stop faster which is so much more realistic to me.  Not sure what is the reason for this effect.  Maybe added capacitance, type of resistors used or changes in power supply.  All I know is that I really like what hearing. Percussion whacks are now really exciting.

Hope to hear a bit more improvement over time and with my normal configuration.  I will look forward to hearing others impressions.


This goes out to Iwin & Nanotweeter.  Thank you for your first impressions...I would imagine that all would sound better from this upgrade.  My concern has to do with the Bass, or Bass output or intensity.  My system is very Bass sensitive basically because of my room and not having the speakers In their ideal position. 

So my fear is that any additional energy or bass volume could bring about bloat...while tighter more accurate bass could be  welcome.

Example.. I have tried  numerous amps with the slp-05 settling
 on the Esoteric A-03 which IMO is a great match provided you have pretty efficient speakers.  I Had A Krell EVO 300 which sounded nice but way to much bass energy for my rig.

My other concern is that with all my system changes it is very rare to experience replacing a component without having to tweak other parts of system.  AND I really do not want to get back into that since I have reached a really good place with system synergy...

Any Thoughts on my concerns would be greatly appreciated

Thank You


Hi Tony: If you are happy with the way your system sounds: I would not change it. With the upgrade you are going to get more bass and it will be more accurate but it may be too much for your preferences. You are also correct in stating about changes to your system requiring tweaking; I am going through that now as I am moving my speakers around to get a better balance and I might have to turn down my subwoofer a notch or two. Best wishes: Larry W/lwin