Just retired and want to get back to vinyl listening

I'm reeducating myself.... after years of no TT and focusing on just stereo listening.. I had a some early Klipsch Hersey’s and some GENESIS speakers pair with Yamaha receiver and low end turntable 30-40 years ago -- I can afford a higher end setup this days -- so what are thoughts on pairing a luxman l-550axII with Klipsch cornwalls?

I like the Herseys for music in the day.. cornwalls seem to be larger herseys but may well need audtion some of the tower types folks seem to tout..

I still thinking on TT -- but may get a VPI scout or prime -- thinking through the cartridge choices and other things is still a serious education -- recc?

music taster are varied -- jazz to singer vocalist miles davis - linda Ronstadt and a host of others for vocal musics and instruments- soft rock of the 70-80s- to some classical

thoughts -- looking to 15-20K for the refit for stereo listening - but could stretch some if I like the setup

Well, Inna, why not let the gentleman decide for himself? Throwing away $200 worth of cheap cables is 1% of what he expects to spend; it's rounding error; and when it comes time to upgrade cables, he will know what he wants, what will work with his system. And I'll bet he doesn't have to throw any cables away.
Congrats on retirement. We have some similarities. I just retired a month ago and I used to live in Spokane for 22 years. IMO, buy a system before moving to Spokane unless you buy online or you want to make a trip to Portland or Seattle to look for gear. Spokane doesn't have any decent stereo shops compared to the bigger cities!
If you are looking at a VPI, the Prime with the 3D arm is a very good starting point. I have the VPI 10" 3d arm in my TT setup. If you are looking at cartridges, check out Soundsmith, they have a very good synergy with VPI gear.
If your mind is made up on the Klipsh, check out the Rogue Cronus Magnum II tube integrated amp with the KT120 tubes. Highly rated, good power, american made, great support, and it has a built in mm phono preamp. I used to have 1 and it drove much more inefficient speakers than the Klipsh. If you want in the future to upgrade the phono preamp. you can but you might not need to. If you want solid state, check out Hegel. You can probably get the H100 or H200 integrated amp but you will need to get an external phono preamp. 
I would use the SONOS system for background music only. I would also skip buying a CD player and go with a music server/DAC with your ripped music either on a server or on a NAS. I used to own the Auralic Aries which I liked over other streamers for a lot more $$$, and I had a very nice external DAC which had an expensive SB cable to connect them together. The aries has a great interface playing ripped cd's or streaming Tidal. I upgraded the aries and external dac to the PS audio directstream with the Bridge II and couldn't be happier. At the same time, I switched to using Roon which is a fantastic interface to playing music. The PS Audio DS with bridge II supports MQA as well as using the network interface instead of a USB cable. Each year, PS Audio comes out with an upgrade to its firmware which improves SQ on a system that is very good to begin with. The PS Audio DS Jr is very good too for 1/2 the cost.
If you don't want to get an external DAC/streamer, Hegel makes the H160 or ROST integrateds that include the digital pieces but not the phono preamp. But if your priority is vinyl, then you can get a nicer external phono preamp. My preference would be the Rogue and the DS/bridge combo.
Good luck, 
You mentioned the Luxman integrated amps I'm a big fan my self and I would definitely go for a class A Lux they are wonderful but your looking at 20-30wch in the new o es and up to 50class A in an older one but they are harder to find. That said 30wch class a is pretty good and the Liam's have good drive. But you will need a more efficient speaker. Toile many have said there are a huge amount and I'd seriously look at used as speakers have the largest markup and biggest depreciation.  I think your table thoughts are a good direction and look used there as well. VIP have a good rep lots out there and they make a lot of people happy. I also stream tidal so as other said that's an easy addition later 
thanks all for lots of good suggestions advice.. moving van is coming in 4 weeks -- still packing -- taking all my HT and computer stuff after my 4 days "vacation" to Shenandoah NP next week.

yes -- I plan to buy after I move and get into a new place... as it will effect final choices..

Luxman is high on the list likely 550, but could stretch to 590 as hedge to driver a wider range of speakers over time and will look harder at the Accuphase E-470 or stretch to E-600, but as noted the phone stage on these are separate purchases either as their cards or external -- Luxman maybe a better starting point for me and put some of the saved money in other parts of the setup, but will review other I-amps as suggested

There is one decent here in town I may be able to go audition the Devore speakers -- not sure what models they have --  Klipsch Cornwalls are still on the list but I will try to audition others and may well need a trip to Seattle or Portland after I get into a place in Spokane

research on TT has me looking at VPI Scout - stretch to Prime - Musichall 9.3 or Po-Ject -- so reading much on these and will try to view in person

as noted -- I have 500+ cds ripped to FLAC on a server and use the SONOS for intermittent very casual - as noted background music -- I I have a ZP80 into my HT setup + 4 other room SONOS players -- I do use it less today than when I first got SONOS 10+ years ago or so -- I could relocate ZP80 to the new setup and add in a better DAC -- suggestions?

lastly just for education - conversation -- what are suggested interconnects and cable -- that does seems to get lots comments -- consider this connections - cabling for VPI or MusicHall TT  - Luxman - Cornwalls as an example -- even if choices are not near final..

thanks for all the suggestions - comments -- very helpful in getting me to spend some money to enjoy my retirement 
BTW on the ripped music - streamer aspect -- I have my FLAC files on a QNAP NAS that the SONOS systems accessing  --  I have another larger server system for ripped DVDs and Blurays for the HT with 2 viewing setup -- a primary Denon and NHT with HTPC on large Panasonic plasma - I hope survives the move as it a great TV 65in ZT60 -- not made anymore for living room and a Projector - Yamaha sound bar for the bedroom, this stuff is what I have played with and updated over the last 15-20 years, all of that and the many pieces and parts and stands probably has 30-35K of original and upgrade cost over 2 decades ---  but the new project is all about stereo audio listening and getting back to vinyl