Has anyone ever heard these speakers by Volti Audio?

I have read a few things about Volti Audio (in Nashville TN). Has anyone ever heard a pair?
Most specifically the Vittora : http://voltiaudio.com/vittora/.
These might really match well with my tube amp but are quite expensive.
@phusis  Coincidently, today, I received an IEM cable from Linum/Estron out of Denmark. Perhaps a trip to Gryphon should also be on the itinerary. : )
Back to Volti speakers.
I've owned the Alura for over three years. I consider them my end-game speakers. Why? They are both delicate and forceful. Refined with a touch of overtness. They have a "liveness" that I'm, to this day, surprised and appreciate - without a trace of any horn signature.
I run them with a BorderPatrol amp, which I believe is the best match. Easy to drive. Abundant head-room. Presentation skews to however the recoding was made - front row, closely miked, diffuse live recordings, etc.
I can tell you I feel very fortunate to have run into Greg Roberts at AXPONA - a great guy and artisan...and also, Gary Dews of BorderPatrol.
You can see my setup at my Virtual System - "Neo Vintage". If you have any questions, feel free to post on the listing.
Happy Listening.
Good description, papermill. My wife made friends with Greg and Gary at Axpona. Super cool guys.
If I had a big enough room and could afford them, I would own the Alura. Every time I have heard both them and the Vittora at Axpona, I have preferred the Alura. A great speaker. Papermill describes what I have liked about them very well.
Thanks "papermill" for giving us the name of your Virtual System: Neo Vintage. It is a fantastic system with great components in a really beautiful space!