Just retired and want to get back to vinyl listening

I'm reeducating myself.... after years of no TT and focusing on just stereo listening.. I had a some early Klipsch Hersey’s and some GENESIS speakers pair with Yamaha receiver and low end turntable 30-40 years ago -- I can afford a higher end setup this days -- so what are thoughts on pairing a luxman l-550axII with Klipsch cornwalls?

I like the Herseys for music in the day.. cornwalls seem to be larger herseys but may well need audtion some of the tower types folks seem to tout..

I still thinking on TT -- but may get a VPI scout or prime -- thinking through the cartridge choices and other things is still a serious education -- recc?

music taster are varied -- jazz to singer vocalist miles davis - linda Ronstadt and a host of others for vocal musics and instruments- soft rock of the 70-80s- to some classical

thoughts -- looking to 15-20K for the refit for stereo listening - but could stretch some if I like the setup

Interestingly I was in exactly the same position as you with respect to vinyl listening (Retired, sold my last TT and LPs 33 years ago, $20k budget and now wanted to get back into analog). See my previous post on this subject:


Like the post says, "I am there". I could not be happier with my TT setup, looks and sounds beautiful. I have absolutely no plans to upgrade this system.
again -- all thanks for the info.. lots to think about...  Just a another specific directional discussion - while I'm heavily leaning to speakers like Cornwalls ( I am concerned if I can fit these into the places I may rent in spokane based on internet searches of rentals with garages for my new yukon  - even the Devore 0/93 - o/96 styles are retro appealing - even Volti Rival mentioned - keeping more retro -- I will be listening to the tall thin types like ML 60XT - Definitive Tech Mythos and other in a wide price range like this to include devore - KEF towers - just to understand what is out there..  I do need the speaker to do vocals as clean - natural as possible and have clear - not muddled reproduction and sound stage for the hearing the various instrument on good source -- I a low - modest volume listen of variety of material that include jazz - instrumental - singer - songwriter - classic songs by male and female vocalists that have instrumental voices -- some classic soft rock -- but I rarely listen to hard rock or metal - so what I'm after is not about hard pounding loud rock
I would also check out Vandersteen speakers if can find a dealer out there.  Great sound and value.  Good luck! 
I just did that exact same thing....was always into home theater. Decided to go back to vinyl...took me a while to get to where I feel finished. I too run a set of Klipsch horned speakers (Chorus II’s) went with used Mac solid state.
The turntable took a couple of tries with both table and cartridge.
Good luck with your quest....I hope you have as much fun as I did.
Although I am not retired yet....I will be in January
I'm also in the Pacific Northwest.  Definitely check out Gig Harbor Audio in where else Gig Harbor WA.  They are very much into vinyl and have a great website.   Of course once you come over to that part of Western WA you may not want to go back to Eastern WA.  Also Tacoma has a Vandersteen dealer.