DAC>Streamer>MQA>Wireless besides Bluesound

I am looking for a one box dac & streamer with MQA that is wireless besides the Bluesound option. The Lumin almost made it except for the wireless piece. My budget is $2K - $4K. Are there any options out there or coming up? The main function would be to stream Tidal.
"May I ask why ruling out the Bluesound option?"

My thought too.  Maybe it's not expensive enough but certainly it is good enough to be included in the conversation.

I'm looking for a little higher level dac solution than the Bluesound.  If I can't find something that fits my criteria, I guess I will give the Bluesound a shot or wait. 

The question at issue here is directly on point with my situation (sorry, I'm an attorney). My only content source will be Tidal. I'm about to buy an NAD M32 with the BluOS 2.0 module (and, although irrelevant to the question, Focal Aria 936 speakers). One of my reasons for buying the M32 is that it is MQA capable. The M32 is a bit expensive, but I've heard and read good things about it, and it seems like it is high quality and has everything I need. Not exactly sure about the Bluesound and BluOS quality, but Bluesound seems to be well liked. Any comments on the quality of the M32 and it's BluOS module and/or Bluesound quality generally would be appreciated.
Goose - If you are looking for "a little higher level DAC solution" than the Bluesound I would read about and/or audition the PS Audio Perfectwave streamer with the Bridge II card. That combo will take you to a higher level and more refined sound. Tidal and MQA should sound the best it can. My two cents...
PS Audio, that's what I use, sold off the external dac/Auralic Aries streamer/USB cable. Couldn't be happier using Roon and streaming Tidal mqa along with my ripped music. Ps audio also makes the DS Jr which is fantastic and has the bridge ii built in. Forget USB, just use an Ethernet cable.