panasonic 50 inch vs. hitachi 55

considering the panasonic th-50px60u vs. the hitachi 55hds69. room is 12.5 x 21.5, i will be sitting 12 to 14 feet from the screen. the 58 inch panasonic is a bit out of the price range. thanks. -dave
If you haven't yet decided I would seriously consider the 50" Samsung HP-S5053. I have owned one for a few months now and it has a fantastic picture with a nice set of features. I did a lot of research and the Samsung was definitely the best in my price range. Best of luck!
My dad sits same distance as you do and bought the 58' might want to save and get the biggest best picture instead of buying what may be too small for your preference.
I'm a Panasonic owner for life. I've got the 6th generation 50 incher. PQ, black levels, colors are fantastic. Bought mine in 2004

With that said, ALL the plasmas now-a-days seem really nice - I can't see going wrong with the Hitachi either.