Question for cable/wire naysayers.....

For those who state that cables don't make a difference...... are you saying that all cables sound the same?  If not, what are you saying?   I've experimented with many different brands and materials and I can't possibly believe that those naysayers hear no differences.   And if the science says that the cables should sound the same, a simple experiment (listening!!!) should prove otherwise.  Or, are these naysayers not listening for changes in resolution, soundstaging/imaging, coherence.....and so on between cables?  Please elaborate on what you are NOT hearing and feel free to drop names.  What cables have you compared that didn't sound different?   I've just gotta know.  I'm floored every time I see a post or response in which cables are called snake oil or something comparable.  Please enlighten me......Thanks.
People take naysayers so seriously. They just want to have some fun. They could care less about cables. 
As much as I appreciate the OP's approach, this will end up like stirring the pot in the opposite direction: the end result will be the same.

"As much as I appreciate the OP's approach, this will end up like stirring the pot in the opposite direction: the end result will be the same."

Or maybe like opening a can of worms from the bottom.

Thanks for the responses so far.  I'm not trying to stir the pot if you mean start a fight.  I really want to know if the naysayers believe that cables/wire make no difference.  In my early audio years, I firmly believed it was just hype or snake oil, another way for the companies to make even more money off of us.  And if you've limited yourself to experiencing the bottom rung like Radio Shack or Phoenix Gold, then surely the notion that cables can have a significant effect on sound would seem delusional.  Of course, I'm sure that Geoffkait is right in that some naysayers are just trying to get a rise from those of us who know what a profound role cables play in sound quality.  I can say, without a hint of doubt, that my musical enjoyment (from my system) is largely due to the addition of high quality cables.  I'd never have heard all that subtle but important inner detail that makes the music so alive if I were still using stock cables and cords.  That just my 2cents.
The scientist in me then asks first, have you equalized levels to within 0.2 dB (you need a volt meter for that), and second, did you do the listening double blind? If not, your experiences  are just that: impressions rather than facts. And I have to insist on serious listening test methodology because the physics that is supposed to underpin many claims that cables matter a lot would be a real breakthough worth a Nobel Prize. Why not publish that in Nature etc?