Question for cable/wire naysayers.....

For those who state that cables don't make a difference...... are you saying that all cables sound the same?  If not, what are you saying?   I've experimented with many different brands and materials and I can't possibly believe that those naysayers hear no differences.   And if the science says that the cables should sound the same, a simple experiment (listening!!!) should prove otherwise.  Or, are these naysayers not listening for changes in resolution, soundstaging/imaging, coherence.....and so on between cables?  Please elaborate on what you are NOT hearing and feel free to drop names.  What cables have you compared that didn't sound different?   I've just gotta know.  I'm floored every time I see a post or response in which cables are called snake oil or something comparable.  Please enlighten me......Thanks.
The scientist in me then asks first, have you equalized levels to within 0.2 dB (you need a volt meter for that), and second, did you do the listening double blind? If not, your experiences  are just that: impressions rather than facts. And I have to insist on serious listening test methodology because the physics that is supposed to underpin many claims that cables matter a lot would be a real breakthough worth a Nobel Prize. Why not publish that in Nature etc?
Or maybe like opening a can of worms from the bottom.

@lcherepkai - i didn't mean to imply that you're just stirring the pot but that the responses you'll get will be of the garden variety polemics that have yet to hold up to scrutiny. 

Trust in your own ears and most assuredly, trust that naysayers will never believe you.

All the best,
Naysayers naysay on a lot more topics than this particular one. Naysaying is built into their personality and it is as simple as that. Nothing wrong with that or them, but it must be understood. Beyond that what @geoffkait said above is certainly true at the same time.
Everyone is certainly entitled to their opinion and sometimes when I hear people talking about measurements with test equipment, I wonder if the ear may actually be superior to that test equipment. The ear is more sensitive than some people realize.

That's the science part that never enters into the naysayers argument.
An article I read stated that human hearing is 10X more sensitive than previously thought and that was discovered about 8 years ago. It had something to do with fourier transform and how we mere humans can tell if something is off to a degree that is basically unmeasurable.

Thank you evolution,