Question for cable/wire naysayers.....

For those who state that cables don't make a difference...... are you saying that all cables sound the same?  If not, what are you saying?   I've experimented with many different brands and materials and I can't possibly believe that those naysayers hear no differences.   And if the science says that the cables should sound the same, a simple experiment (listening!!!) should prove otherwise.  Or, are these naysayers not listening for changes in resolution, soundstaging/imaging, coherence.....and so on between cables?  Please elaborate on what you are NOT hearing and feel free to drop names.  What cables have you compared that didn't sound different?   I've just gotta know.  I'm floored every time I see a post or response in which cables are called snake oil or something comparable.  Please enlighten me......Thanks.
Ok,  here is the deal.   At a certain price range cables do sound different.  They are designed to be "different" but different does not translate into better or worse sound.  The trick is finding a set that sounds good to you.  Since every set of ears, every audio system, and every room is unique, there is a good chance that six audiophiles will have three opinions regarding your cable selection.  Find something you like and enjoy.

The snake oil comments, in general, start when prices climb to the absurd levels we see in this hobby.   Remember,  expensive may not be better to your ears, system, room, etc.
Glad to see all the positive responses.  I feel the same as what I've read here but I posted this to offer a forum to speak out against the "supposed" benefits of upgrading cables.  Seems like in every post I've read lately someone has to chime in that cables don't make a difference, outlets don't make a difference, fuses.....   Please, would any of you naysayers offer your insights as to why you believe so.  Speak up!   Your unwelcome comments compromise many an otherwise interesting and helpful post asking for genuine advice.
Geez, I don't even hear the differences with speakers!, for get about cables!

Got my all in one Motorola High Fi TT console and it sounds wonderful.  Happy Listening.

I hear differences, but don't spend on wires more than $50/m/pair. My good knowledge of math blocks me from taking silly decision to spend more on just wires.
I hear differences, but don’t spend on wires more than $50/m/pair. My good knowledge of math blocks me from taking silly decision to spend more on just wires.
Discussions of cables often omit two of the most important factors, imo, and those are the quality of the connectors and the quality of the terminations. In my experience, good connectors alone cost more than $50 for a set of four.