Personal speaker evolution

OK, so here is a thread I haven't ever seen here: What speakers have you owned? starting with the earliest, price paid, new/used, and perhaps the models that really impressed you (for the price) in CAPS.

Rat Shack Something or others, $120, new
Fisher Something or others, $280, new
ADS L710's, $550, new
Snell A2i's, $1100, used
BEVERIDGE SYSTEM 3'S, $1000, used
Martin Logan CLS, $1400, used
MARTIN LOGAN SL3'S, $2300, used
Radio Shack radio (mono spkr built in)
upgrade to then 15yr old KLH table radio
Yamaha NS-10s shared with sister
Energy something-or-others for myself
Yamaha something-or-others again
Martin Logan SL3s bought used
Jadis Eurythmie 11s bought used
It's been a year and a half since I've posted my speaker evolution -- what a thread! I've since sold my Thiel CS-6's and traded in my PBN Monatan KAS's for the WAS's. I hope to stay with them for at least for the next 18 months ;-)
Ozfly: short pair of 7s were among the first ever to be shipped and after several years I began having problems with them; the high end drivers of the coaxial high mid/tweeters burned out twice. I thought it might be the amps (Bryston 7BSTs at the time) but Thiel replaced the drivers each time for free but upon last replacement I decided to switch models as my wife and I were in the market for downsizing our residence. I traded them in for a pair of Dyanaudio Contour 3.0s. After a year of these I traded in for new CS6s because I simply missed the Thiels. Couldn't afford new 7s they go for 14K new. I am very happy with the 6s. I really think they sound better in fact.
I have owned :radio shack mc 1000's, homemade,AR3a,s,marantz 12"3way's,infinity 12"3way's,kef coda's,spectrum 108a's,spica-tc-50,apogee caliper's(used),vandersteen 2ci's(used),energy c-2's,ar m1's,alon petete,proac 1sc,proac 2.5,alon 2's(used),dq-10's(used),ads10"2way's,vintage electrovoice,jenson,fisher,ar's,allison 2'slarge advent's,nht super zero's,boston acoustics a60's,phase reaserch's.I sold most of them.I still have the spica tc-50's(great for the money).I wanted the challenge of building some, after all of the experience I have now.I modifyed a pair of Design Acoustics ps/6a's(doped the 6.5" cone,shallow horn on.75"soft dome,6/db octive crossover to tweeter,added port,minimal damping material,removed dust cap from woofer. Sounds very fast,and detailed. bought some 12"pa horns,replaced innards with a paper tweeter,and 6/db octave crossover. Another pair of 16"horns w/ 4"paper cone woofer. The horns are mounted next to the monitors,and hooked up to a low cost amp/equalizer. The 1khz, and 2kz tames most of the horn colorations. A slight boost around 10khz adds life. You can laugh if you want,but with most recordings,detail and dynamics,coherency,and rapid transients are more involving than anything i have owned! even with low cost wire. I can turn volume up and down on the horns, to hear the difference. They really do add a stunning liveliness. The only price to pay, is an occasional recording,brings "some" notes "out" a bit much.