Sanders 10e

Congratulations to Roger Sanders and Sanders Sound Systems on The Absolute Sounds INCREDIBLE REVIEW on the best darn speakers I have EVER heard.  

Roger Sanders - The Genius.  
Hmm..appear to be worth a listen.. Do they have enough weight and bass? How well layered the soundstage is?
I concur. Amazing sound stage, but hard on your neck. :)  I really wish Roger had considered a way to improve that, like by splitting the panel and making a 2-way ESL, or adding some sort of a waveguide, but he's 100% committed to the basic form factor.


Plenty of slam (okay, a ton of slam!); layering is incredible - and detailed.  The DSP unit keeps the bass from smearing other notes.  Play as loud as you wish without distortion.  The only limitation is the room.  Barely.
Great. I'll put them on my list, along with Lansche and Kharma. Right, we can dream.
Just received my own Sanders 10e speakers 2 weeks ago. Wonderful!!!!

(Dealer disclaimer)