Question for cable/wire naysayers.....

For those who state that cables don't make a difference...... are you saying that all cables sound the same?  If not, what are you saying?   I've experimented with many different brands and materials and I can't possibly believe that those naysayers hear no differences.   And if the science says that the cables should sound the same, a simple experiment (listening!!!) should prove otherwise.  Or, are these naysayers not listening for changes in resolution, soundstaging/imaging, coherence.....and so on between cables?  Please elaborate on what you are NOT hearing and feel free to drop names.  What cables have you compared that didn't sound different?   I've just gotta know.  I'm floored every time I see a post or response in which cables are called snake oil or something comparable.  Please enlighten me......Thanks.
Funny that you talk about the silent majority (remember who introduced the term?). Anyhow, science is not decided by votes but by facts.
Well, I’ll be kind and take your comment as being not fully fleshed out, and not be inflamed via the holes that can be fleshed out by me and used to insense myself.

Which your two line post is chock full of. We have to be careful to not make the kind of incomplete statements we can get away with in person, as the the back and forth can take place in seconds and also has our own particular physical presence to help mitigate misunderstanding.

The implication is, put in the effort, leave the emotions at home in a box and do it right. Or stay home. whic is aimed at all, no specific person. Avoid the self inflammation and also avoid the inflammation tactic. Which is how the internet forums grew up, sadly. Heck, things like reddit are based on inflaming and baiting. Tis’ a sad sack of effluent, at best.

Problem is, I can do it right all day long, but some jack will run up behind me or another given person who is trying to do it right and run them through with some short curt written sword of some sort, one that has nothing do do with handling the subject properly or in the vein of a communication that resolves the points at hand.

Points which are incredibly unlikely to be resolved in print -- at the best of times.

Put two opposed viewpoints into a thread on a forum and you are looking at the law of diminishing returns taken to heretofore unknown levels of pointlessness. Which is how the barbs and viciousness gain a foothold.

-pointless barbs and viciousness,
-arguments that cannot be won,
-small minority of unyielding handwavers
-a large room built out of a silent majority

Saving forums and building them up to high levels of participation involves dealing with the small minority of itinerant punchers and kickers.
I felt this thread was trolling but it seems to have life. Good to see some healthy skeptics providing balance to the tin foilers who think the Holy Grail in audio are interconnects and speaker wire.

It is obvious that excellent audio equipment design should maximize the audio signal fidelity and minimize ALL other factors (cables, power, RF/EM noise, transformer Hum etc etc).

My answer to the tin foilers is: If you own audio devices that are incapable of minimizing (below audibility) extraneous factors then get rid of said devices and find something that actually works properly!!!
I had a very interesting experience yesterday - I went to a neighbours house and he demo’d his system - it was dynamic, spacious and clarity through the roof

His system was an old (20 years) 6 watt tube power amp and tube pre-amp with a consumer grade CD player CD player.

His wires were very mediocre IC’s and the Speaker Cables were 18 gauge lamp cord - yep - lamp cord!!!

The power cords on both units were 16 gauge, wired directly to the transformer

I had taken my custom built cables over for him to audition, so we went about replacing all of his cables.

At the end of the day, with all of the cables replaced we both noticed a discernible improvement, but given the quality of his original cables I was very surprised we were not hearing more of an improvement.

He told me that the amp was custom built to the point where the guy hand wound all of the transformers to his own spec and obviously too great care in ensuring the amp/pre combo was working at optimum levels

My amp on the other hand is a mass produced product from NAIM and if I had used his cables It would have sounded terrible.

So based on these observations I would have to say that the level of improvements observed is directly related the quality of the components in the system and how well they are designed and built.

There is also the "synergy" aspect to consider and the room that the system is in plays a huge role in whether improvements are observed.

The human ear is a fine tool for discerning change (good or bad or just different) and not everybody’s hearing is the same. Some people like me can be overwhelmed by the chatter going on in a room and some people, like my wife, can tune their hearing to a conversation three tables away across a crowded restaurant.

So given the many factors at play I am not surprised by the responses as to whether cables make a difference can be so varied.

Me? - I can hear the difference, so I am in the camp that believe cables DO make a difference based on my personal observations in my own system and those of friends. But I do not intend to expend a lot of time trying to convince others of that - so I save my opinions for discussions as to the possible "why’s" with "like minded" souls.

Regards - Steve