CD/DVD player advice

Hello to all. If this question is in the wrong location, I apologize. I am presently playing my CD's from an old Sony DVD player. I do want to upgrade this. So, do you find that a DVD such as an OPPO 105, sounds better for playing CD's verses a dedicated cd player of similar cost? I would say that an OPPO 105 that is in good condition,used for say $700 would be my top end. Would you recommend a dedicated cd player, which could also be used, or are the DVD players quite adequate. Right now it would not be connected to a TV. If I do later than the OPPO or something equivalent would be considered. Lets keep pricing down to $700 for either the cd or dvd player. Thankx to all in advance. If you need more info, let me know. Arthur ,
Arthur, What is the rest of your system, electronics and speakers? Just curious......
If you're after the best choice CD player, you'll probably get better sound from a dedicated CD player. If all the money you're paying is focused just on audio, chances are it will be better than a universal disc player.

That said, I have an opportunity 105 and I love it. I use it as a file player as well and just today decided to mess with tidal. It also replaced a cheap DVD player and Yamaha CD changer, so it tidied up my rack and sounds loads better
Thank you for all the responses, please keep on shooting me your opinions. My equipment : Hafler 220 amp, Anthem TLP pre amp and Genesis APM -1 speakers. Old Sony DVD player for CDs and Bluesound Node 2.  Thank you, Arthur