The longest you have owned any gear?

Not counting accessories such as a Zerostat which I bought eons ago, the one piece of equipment I own which I've had the longest is my turntable- 19 years now. 

What's been your experience? 
McIntosh C26 and Crown DC 300A purchased in 1974, still in use in my office system. At the time, I couldn't afford the extra $100 or so for the matching McIntosh 2105, so I got the Crown.

A Jadis JP-80 MC preamp, although modded in 2005, has been my main source pre since 1994.  I have rolled tubes, but find the Telefunkens are most at home.

Walker turntable, very early generation with multiple upgrades has been spinning lps for 11 years. 

Avalon speakers...of one model or another for a good 18 years.

Who knows....maybe I'll surprise my wife, friends and myself; and leave the system as is for another _____ years.
A Niles Audio CPM-31 8x8 switchbay.  Simple magic. *G*

Next oldest is a SAE 2 band parametric eq....think it's the 180 (too lazy to go look at the label....plays daily in my shop....)

A Nagoka destat wand.  Little bugger will still bite your fingertip hard enough to make you nearly drop it.....

...there's some other 'oldies but goodies' underfoot around here....;)
Walker, Jadis, Avalon must be a great system. I presume power amps are also Jadis. Something I would want to hear. 

My Sonograph SG-3 turntable/Sumiko MMT, purchased in 1983. The original Portland, OR company.