Wonderful visit and 5-star customer service at Audio Doctor in Jersey City, NJ!

For those interested in auditioning the new Paradigm Persona series, as well as other high-end brands, with the benefit of highly personalized attention and 5-star customer service, I would like to recommend a visit to Audio Doctor in Jersey City, New Jersey- they have some of the largest showroom space in the NY/NJ area, and such great customer service, period!

Audio Doctor is currently the only dealer in the NY/NJ area allowed to demo in-store/sell the Paradigm Persona speaker series, so I trekked there yesterday to audition the Paradigm Persona 3F and flagship 9H stereo speakers, which both proved stupefying and extremely impressive for their price points in as far as clarity, detail, and sound stage are concerned.

The owner, Dave, is such a wonderful guy. He gave me a personalized tour of his well-built home theater room (100+ inch projector set up with KEF speaker system, excellent room treatments, very comfortable seating, etc.), and also a tour of other five-figure speaker brands on display.

Crucially, for the Paradigm demos, Dave allowed me to bring my own interconnects and speaker cables, and also to use identical separates to what I have at my place so I could ascertain for sure what the Paradigms would sound like in my home setting. I was also pleased to see many low-budget speaker/separates set ups for those on a tight budget- all on display.

Last but not least, Dave and his wife prepared a wonderful dinner for me while I was speaker-auditioning- the tastiest Mexican Tacos I have ever had! I spent a total of 4 hours at the store, and Dave even gave me a lift back to the PATH train station (I live in NYC)... so without a doubt, I would rate the customer service at this place as the best I have ever seen in my years of visiting audio stores on both coasts.

So for the NY/NJ area audiophile crowd, Audio Doctor merits an in-person visit and comes HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!
My vote for Robert Spence at affirm audio in Plano Texas. Great guy and great customer service!
Gpgr4blu, again you ignornance is showing. 

A certain famous NY audio store owner used to march his sales people down to his basement to show the sales staff which products to sell based on being in stock, if that isn't trying to shoe horn a potential client into what is good for the retailor then what is?

I frequently got in trouble with that owner for selling the products and sytems which weren't necessarily in stock but I felt were the best ones for my clients.

Another famous NY City store owner, had when I started to work in his Brooklyn store sold only Linn tables, didn't sell subwoofers other than Definitive, and had almost no selection didn't even sell any tube brands.

You have never been to mystore or worked with me directly, so you base all of your opinions on your dread of salesmanship, my loquacious nature, and having strong opinions, and my extolling superior value to dollar products. 

My store stocks O we order in whatever the client wants to purchase. If customer A likes Paradigm great, if they prefer Legacy great or ATC great, or Kef?  This is the reason my store has a lot of great choices in all different price ranges.

Check many of the forum posts about many peoples experiences with other NY CIty stores and then come back to me, as someone who worked for two of them, the perspective on the other side wasn't allways rosey.

How about storries of customers being ignored based on their dress? Or customers not allowed to stay in the store after "closing hours." wether or not they were taken care of? Or how about people being sold systems that were too big for their rooms or pocketbooks because it made the store money? 

Grgr4blu you may have gotten good treatment from some of the stores you mentioned but I am willing to bet there are others who would not mirror your experiences. Caveat emptor!

I too had a very good experience at Audio Doctor.....

I drove an hour + to Jersey City and called AD not knowing that it was by appointment only. Dave said although he had others scheduled it wasn’t a problem and for me to come by.

At this point in my audio journey I was still trying to figure out what sounds were pleasing to me. I was very much in an information gathering mode. Even though my budget was small, at no point did I feel that I was being rushed. Dave listened to what my needs were and made appropriate recommendations and imparted a ton of information to me which was invaluable in my audio search.

He was very hospitable and offered to make me tea a few times. The showroom is very comfortable. And the selection/variety of gear is second to none.

Ultimately, I decided to go in a different direction (Vandersteen/ Belles). But I would not hesitate going back or recommending their shop to anyone.


Allowing interenet sales is dooming many industries into a downward spiral getting people into stores all stores needs to be embraced, for the only way for people to purchase better anythings is to be introduced to them in a meaningful way.
It seems to me that the best brands in audio these days are those that succeed in preventing any internet sales. No BS about allowing exceptions if no dealer is in the customer's so-called territory because the exceptions get abused into rendering the purpose meaningless. An example near and dear to me are DeVore speakers. Try buying a set over the net; I don't think so. In fact, if you go to Don Better's website I don't think you will find a single product (save Vandersteen that you can buy direct) that can possibly be purchased over the net. Correct me please if I am mistaken. 
Now, I do realize that offering budget gear that can not be purchased over the 'net is a real challenge. But Croft, Sugden, Line Magnetic, maybe Falcon Acoustics...

The reality is that there are two distinctly different markets when years ago there was only one.

The mass market in the 50-60-70-80-90-2000, everyone owned a TV and a stereo device of somekind.

The fact that most houses played music and watched TV were a given, and you went to a store to purchase those items.

Many stores had higher quality devices, from a table radio you went to a better boom box, to a compact stereo, to separates, there were stereo ads in many magazines that were not audiophile magazines.

The point is people were exposed to options.

Take for example the Sonos buyer, reads articles, see ads, goes to website purchases product, receives product, Done. There is no journey of exploration. There is no comparison of a Sonos to a Naim Muso or to a set of real speakers plus a streaming amp. It is click and done, there is no education

The Amazonation and Walmartization and the millenials who think that a set of Apple Air Pods and an Iphone is a stereo is what is killing our industry. 

What we should all be ashamed of is how poor a job our entire industry is doing to enlighten non audiophiles and show them how emotional music can sound on a good system and their are tons of affordable options.

So you see there are the audiophiles and the non audiophiles who like music but are uneducated who could enter our world.

Market one is small, market two is vast and untapped it will only open up when we find a way to get more people to find out about quality audio and how music can make a real difference in their lives. 

Dave owner,
Audio Doctor NJ