Cartridge Suggestion Requested

Thanks in advance for all suggestions.  I have (3) cartridges in rotation and all of them have issues,  I would like to know if it is possible to find a cartridge that has the sound I am looking for.

Basically the tone and uncolored neutrality of the Ortofon 2M black yet in a more dynamic cleaner sounding presentation.  
I really like the 2M black but it has some dirt and edge to the upper treble.  
I also have the AT ART9 and it is nice but too thick for my tastes.  Lastly the Dynavector DV20X2L, has a smooth dynamic sound but lacks the transparency and uncolored midrange that I prefer.  

This is a jump in price but the Soundsmith Zephyr Star may bring to the party what you are seeking. I’ve had the 2m black, dynavector, and Benz carts. It’s the most balanced one of the lot and is my current go to pick up. 

my tonearm is 10.1g effective mass (VPI gimbal) 

I had a few Grados but they were decidedly not neutral.


thought about the zephyr star, will it sound good loaded at either 100 ohms or 1000 ohms?  if not i would need to research adding resistor jumpers to my phono preamp.  

I load mine at 1000 ohm. 
At or below 500 is far from ideal. 
Soundsmith recommends loading it at or close to 1000. 

I heard that Soundsmith works very well in VPI arm.
Transfiguration Axis is $3000 cartridge.