Spectron amp isolation

I am looking for an amp to power Eggleston Andra IIs, but need to find something in 17" wide and doesn't get too hot so that it will fit in an entertainment center. Have thought about the Cary MB500s, Bryston 7BSST or maybe the Spectron. The Spectron would be great from a single box, power and temperature angle. But I feel like when I read about the Class D amps like the spectrons, rowlands or others, it seems like people talk a lot about cables and isolation. Whatever amp will unfortunately have to be stuck in a cabinet with a bunch of other HT electronics and will more than likely have a lot of cables around it. Does anyone have any experience with the Spectron in less than ideal surroundings? It would be nice to get that kind of power in a manageable package. Thanks for any thoughts.
Yes, thanks for clarifying that. I was more worried about electrical interference than physical.
My Spectron amps don't have any RF problem. I can turn the volume all the way up, with nothing playing, and there is absolutely no sound, hiss, buzz, hum, etc. coming from the speakers. BTW, this is in NYC.

I've had a Spectron amp (Musician II, with upgrades) for about 10 years in two locations, and have never had any problems with RF or cabling.