Bybee Active Room Neutralizers

I have read a couple of reviews on the room neutralizers which are favorable.  Has anyone in the community actually tried them or own them?  Thoughts?
Something that is not rubbish or quackery, but very expensive and was often described in quackish ways was Richard Grey's Power Stations.

Their online descriptions were rubbish, but they worked a treat to clean up local power. Essentially big resonant EM tanks.

Don't see them advertised much, so no idea what happened.


If the universe stops expanding and slows to a halt and starts going the other way, back toward the point of the Big Bang, I.e., compressing, time will do the same, slow down, stop then move backwards. I'm hoping to catch the wave and grow younger, but it better hurry up. Giddy up! 🐎

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Not only is nanotechnology revolutionizing our hobby but quantum mechanics is, too. And it’s actually nothing new. One need look no further than Silver Rainbow Foil, The Super Intelligent Chip and it’s sharp as a tack progenitor The Intelligent Chip, Teleportation Tweak, And the WA Quantum Chips for excellent, one might even say iconic, examples of quantum mechanics based audiophile products, many of which have actually been around for fifteen years or more. We even got quantum message labels, now. 😳 Nanotechnology is not new either, you know, what with Dark Matter, various contact enhancers and CD treatments employing nanoparticles, you know, like Nano Tech 8500 CD spray or whatever with shark oil. No, I didn’t say snake oil.