To Wilson Maxx I, I or IIII owners, or any Wilson speaker owners

I have heard that speakers will disappear, when they're set up correctly.  The only time I've experienced this, is when I had a pair of Martin Logan Monoliths.  It took me literally years, to figure out the panels I placed on both sides of them etc. Completely different sound, just sayin.  My present placement is 54" from the side walls and 42" from the back walls-slightly towed in.  I have tried every which way but loose, as far as the distance from each wall and the toe-in angle.  Really wide and more towed in.  Let me be clear-I have a VERY good sound stage and image, vocals are coming from right in front of me, but when I look at them (this may sound weird) I can hear the speaker.  I basically have an equilateral triangle , as far as my listening position goes.  Does anyone out there have the Wilsons and are not experiencing this?  Don't get me wrong-they sound absolutely fantastic, but as far as "disappearing"-not so much.  I did achieve this when listening to the "White Album", but it was mixed differently.  Thought I had it solved, till I played a more modern LP..  FYI-I have mucho sound absorption- up, down, rear and first reflection points.  I'm in the process of building QRD diffusers, but it will be a few more months till I get them completed.(a QRD-23 in the front and a couple of QRD-11's in the back).  I loved the sound of the Martin Logans, but like the sound of full frontal, in your face, better.  Maybe I'm expecting too much?  FYI have Krell FPB-600 monoblocks pushing the Wilson's.

Yes the Dunlavvy IV had thick felt. There is no right or wrong - just experiment to see what works.

The issue with Wilsons disappering or not or any speaker disappearing or not has as much to do with preserving time and phase differences through the electronics.

Krell amplifiers tend to sound flat, clean but flat. Good bass and plenty of drive.

I used to shock people at my Sound by Singer days of using a tube preamp in front of the Krells which was considered taboo, and boy did it make the Krell's sound improve a lot. 

I know you say you have a good sound stage, and you say you have good center fill, when you say the speakers are not dispearing does that mean you are not being drawn into the complete illusion of sounding live?

I would have you look at not just the room treatment and positioning but at the cables, power conditioning. the dac preamp etc.

Often times older components tend to lack the transparency of more modern products, so to me if a system is doing what you say it is doing then I would look at the rest of the chain. 

Often upgrading to a more modern dac and bingo the sound tends to get much more palpable. 

Our sound room uses echo busters and Shakti holographs, along with Acoustic System resonators these things are amazing and can really help with issues that you are describing.

Dave owner,
Audio Doctor NJ
Dear Dave:
I have an Aesthetix Rhea Signature phono preamp and an Aesthetix Calypso, getting ready to be upgraded to a Signature model.  I mainly play LP's and am using a Koetsu Urishi Black and a Dynavector  DRT XV-1S carts.  Everything is a very good match.  Thanks for your suggestion.