Your thoughts on preamp/processors

Ok, what are your thoughts on this?

I have a EAD Ovation. I love it, it sounds awesome, looks great, but is a huge pain. If you are not familiar with EAD, their products do not have any buttons on the front.

So here is the issue, the batteries in the remote died while I was away on a business trip and when my wife put new batteries in, it dropped all the codes. Now it does nothing, not even volume up or down. I contact noble and they offer a remote for $275. While I debated on this, I bought a harmony universal figuring I can use it in another room if it didn't work. I was surprised, but they had EAD Codes in their online database.

So, now the unit works with the universal remote. However now my wife is even more confused by the system and it seems everytime I am away on business, she cannot operate this component. I have a 3 year old and he has no patience, this only frustrates the whole situation as she is trying to figure it out, he is bugging her in the background.

Do I just ditch the thing and get a new unit with a volume knob and traditonal buttons on the front?

Is there anyhing that can compare to the sound quality?

Is it smart to buy a unit that does not have HDMI?

I do have a seperate 2 channel music room, but even with that, I find I listen to quite a bit of music in this room as well as DVD Concerts.

I have FOCAL SPEAKERS, HD DVD Player and Pioneer Plasma in the room where the Preamp processor will go...

Sorry that was so me out here.
That so sucks.... the remote is simple.. the biggest problem you are having is switching video and audio.. she probably doesn't get it..

I never had problems with my 3 EAD's... but the hardest thing explaining to (not all...but most) women is that you have to change the video input and the audio input, and you can't do this with the EAD.

The EAD gear sounds soo smooth and natural compared to other surround processors.... but you need video and audio switching to make your life easier, by making hers easier..

Buy a Receiver that switches video and audio, Get a Denon 3808 or something... so when she see's the DVD she gets audio also...

I switched to a Meridian because I wanted to run multiple subs which the EAD wouldn't do and because I wanted Dolby II. I still miss the naturalness of the EAD and the amazingly easy setup! Take the money out of your video system and put a projector up in your audio room for you with the money you get back from switching all your components down to a receiver.

Good luck!
I have the same problem .
All was well with the Onkyo A/V receiver . Upgraded to a pre/pro and 5 channel amp and the wife and kids could no longer "make it work".

I am in the process of going back to a A/V receiver !
Well, I guess I should have added, that I also purchased a HD DVD Player and my Pioneer TV is auto sensing input. Problem is the TV will not pick up the HDMI source right away. The player is killer, but it takes awhile to load and thus does not output signal right there is another source of frustration. I think I am going to call Harmony and see if they can help, maybe there is a way to delay switching the tv input?

Thanks for the help so far. Anyone have any luck with a different preamp processor that sounded as good?
If you are just having video switching problems you can buy an Oppo HDMI switcher which has a remote and you can program the harmony to control that. 3 HDMI sources into 1.

When you get down to this level of programming of delays, the Harmony products are really hard to get right.. This is where the extra "Work" required on the Pronto's give you the flexibility to achieve all these setting. I use a Pronto 7000 with an RF receiver (supports 4 IR devices) so the remote doesn't have to be pointed at the electronics. I will get another RF receiver later so I can control all my devices without having to point it at everything. I have a Harmony remote also which was fast and easy to get up and running but couldn't handle my Video scaler and projector correctly with all the custom settings (delays and additional macros).

Don't forget to checkout AVSforum . com for programming remote tricks and remotecentral . com