Reference disc player...UDP 205 or Marantz?

Hey guys....
I've decided to take the plunge, and get my last reference disc player--at least for a very long time--and I'm looking for opinions on the subject.
I really wanted to get the Marantz SA-14S1, it sounds fantastic for sure, but I started to read all the glowing reviews on the Oppo UDP-205. Is it just hype, or the real thing? Is the Oppo really that rare piece of equipment that punches that far above its price? Who here has listened to the oppo and/or the Marantz? How do they compare? 
Shadorne, I also think that it made class A in stereophile because it really does punch WAY above its price. But does that make it a true reference player, or just a really good value? 
Frankly I wouldn't buy a disc player these days. I'd go PC to a Class A or A+ DAC. Burn your collection to a hardrive and get a Tidal subscription. 

For movies, I have an ultra UHD 4K bluray player but the number of available movies to buy are just a handful. It gathers dust!

I think discs are out and streaming is the future for digital music and movies.
You may be right. And I do plan to start streaming sometime soon. Which is another reason why I liked the has the dac for streaming. 

I've read some really good reviews on the marantz, AND the Oppo.
Mahler123, so you didn't like the marantz, but you're using the oppo only as a transport. How did it sound using its own dac? They have the top (is it cirrus?) dac made. That wasn't to your liking?
Jonasan.... if you are after musicality, go for the Dynastation Dynavox mk3, if you are into 24/192 & Sacd, get the new Ayon Sacd player.    The Dynastation Mk3 IMHO outperform 40k LP Set up.   Do a search and you be shock that it ranks one of the top 5 cd player.  Happy Listening!