Kharma 3.2 Owners, your thoughts...

I currently own a pair of the Kharma 3.2 Enigma Reference Speakers and after playing them for over 600 hours, they still sound etched and non-organic sounding. I also have new Kharma Grand-reference speaker cables with over 300 hours in them.
My amps are Lamm ML2, 2 years old.
Will these babies ever sing?
My room, 12 X 18, speakers 5 feet apart, TV above Amps.
| Source TV |
| Equip Spkr Amps Spkr |
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Certainly someone will come back and say that the rest of your equipment isnt up to snuff. I am one of the few that doesnt enjoy the "Kharma" sound. Build quality is amazing as is staging capabilities, but I always find the sound to be clinical or etched as you've described. Not to mention the limp bass! To me, it is the prototypical audiophile speaker..............GREAT on 10 min demos, poor in terms of long term listening satisfaction. Just my opinion and I am DEFINITELY in the minority here. By the way, my comments apply to the 1.0's, 3.2's and their 80k plus model (not the newest version).
Take the P300 out and listen again, this is killing an otherwise great system. Try it it won't cost you a dime

1. Abruce is absolutely correct. Take the P300 out! It is probably choking the system a bit and also leaning things out.

2. Supporting equipment is fine. If anything else is questionable, just in terms of not being up to the quality of the rest of the system, I would say it is the Rega and the IC's.

3. Are you firing the long way or the short way in your room?

4. How far into the room are the speakers?

5. What are the surfaces like in your room (floor, walls, etc.)?

I read what Dolphin said and do disagree with him based on what I have heard in every customers system I have setup. I do not doubt what Dolphin heard, just as I do not doubt what you are asserting, I just do not know what conditions and what components were in the systems that he heard.

If you would like me to call you, I would be happy to see if we can get the system sounding more like what you expected. You own one of the most spectacularly lifelike products I have ever heard. Do not give up quite yet.

Email me your number, and I will call you upon my return from the HES Show on Monday.
Another consideration.I heard that LAMMs don't like others;why don't you try full LAMM system with decent player and Purist Audio or Kharma interconnects.It looks like money is not your problem,unsatisfactory sound is.