Accuphase E-470 or Luxman 590ax II ?

Hi, I have the opportunity to buy either a Accuphase E-470 or Luxman 590ax II for nearly the same price, the speakers are Graham Audio LS 5/9 (bbc speakers) 
The 470 I know is powerful enough , and I been told that the Luxman is much more powerful than the 30 Watts would suggest and should drive the 5/9 without problems in my 18 kvadrad room.
I don’t have a opportunity to try the amps at home.
From a sonic standpoint, which one would you recommend ?
Thanks for your input Oran, have you tried the headphone output on the two amps ?
Would you say that the Accuphase has a warmer sound signature ?

Did you loose any musicality going from class A to a class AB design ?
To be honest I can't really say which one sounded warmer, and maybe that's not even the right word. And recently I've made several changes to my system; new cart, phonostage, and now the ATC HTS40's (like the SCM40's but a different enclosure), so it's difficult to say with any certainty. I would only say that I've owned many integrated amps and separates before, and have listened at audio shows and high-end retail stores, etc., and can attest to the great musicality of either unit. I guess my point was that either unit will be a top notch performer. Class A offers theoretical advantages but the Lux will run very hot; that I know. 

I just think the Accuphase looks better, and I think your personal preference should at least be part of your consideration between these fine amps. Check out pics of my Accuphase in my virtual systems; it's called Music Is Magic


Forgot about the headphone question.... I have used them both, they both sounded great, but I've never owned top notch headphones or low sensitivity 'phones either.
To clarify, I have owned the Luxman L-590 AX followed by the Accuphase E-470 and now an Accuphase E-600. It’s a long story as to how and why I made that journey - suffice it to say it had a lot to do with speaker selections.

Unless you have difficult speakers to drive, the Luxman will provide a much purer sound than the Accuphase E-470. If I had to do it all over again, I would take the Luxman L-590AX even though I have the Accuphase. With a phono card, it’s twice the price of the Luxman and provides only a marginal improvement in sound quality.
greginnh, that’s my thinking too, I like the Accuphase looks better, but the class A e-600 is so much more expensive than the Luxman, also the Luxman already has a phone card built inn as standard and it is supposed to be rather good, so should I start spinning records again, I would be all set.
Only worrying aspect is the power, as I understand it goes 30 watts into class A then to about 90 into AB.
That the Luxman is said to be very powerful to be a 30Watter got me interested in it, as Class A is said to have better sound than a AB amp.
The Advantage S100 I have, gets quite warm, so maybe it is operating in class A for the first few watts, not sure.
I would like a bit more meat on the sound though.