Can ADS C2000 X-over be modified for L1590 spkrs?

Does anyone out there know what the modifications are to make the ADS C2000 Biamp X-over work on the L1590's? This x-over was originally set-up for the ADS L1230/1530/2030, but could be modified to work on the L1590's; I believe two capicators had to be removed, and the program switches on the back were to be activated, but can't remember the positions. ADS is absolutely no help now, all people who knew about this are gone. Help!
Check with Mike Kelly at Aerial - Those speakers date from his reign there @ ADS. Good luck. L1590s - probably the best floor stander they made, at least in my experience. (had L1290s for a long while)

LOL, I wish I had your answer. Mike Kelly may know.
You don't want to know, but I have L1590's with the biamp modules...they are wonderful in my home office. Listening to DeBussy's LaMer as I write this. Good luck and happy listening.

the PA1 Biamp modules are a nice addition. They come up from time to time on Ebay or here on Agon... I think they fit L1290s and L1590s, but not sure. In some ways the L1290 and L1590 are basically poor-man's-Aerials. The philosophy is similar (no surprise there). By the time they got to the M-series stuff, Mike was out of the picture I think. (had left to start Aerial)
