Switching to solid state amp?

I have had tube amps for the past 20+ years and have totally enjoyed their sound in my system.  I am thinking of trying a solid state amp.  Pass Labs comes to mind but would be open to anyone who made the switch, was happy and what brand worked for you.  Btw I will still be using a tube preamp.  Who has been happy with the switch?

I too have been using tube amps for a while but still enjoy a really good solid state amp in my system, with that said I have a Pass Labs XA30.5 that I just can't bring myself to sell even though physically it doesn't fit in my system but when it is just sounds right.
sound like you might want a hybrid amplifier. One with a tube front end and a solid state power output section.
@bobheinatz  Hopefully you'll get some traction with this thread. I'm curious also, and would like to learn from those that have done the same.

I don't have your length of experience with tubed systems, but they were thoroughly enjoyable. Over the past few years, I've made the switch to all solid state.

My main 2ch system rebuild started about six months ago. With some recent changes, I'm getting very close to having a solid state system that performs at a level comparably enjoyable to my best tubed efforts. 

I have been happy with the Spread Spectrum Technologies Son of Ampzilla Mk2 (the Wyred 4 Sound version). The Ampzilla 2000 Mk 2 would be an interesting option if you prefer  monos and need more power. I mention both because they don't get much play here and are worth considering should they fit your needs and within your system.

The SST was recently replaced with the Pass XA-30.8.  My preamp is the Pass XP-20.

I'm still keeping the door open for a tubed amplifier and preamplifier, but given the recent major jump up in overall performance the need isn't as strong.