Searching for the most "accurate" speaker (below 15K)

I’m looking for the most accurate and resolving speakers (budget is <= 15K). Paradigm Persona 3F, Kef Reference 3 or Focal Sopra 2 are some of the options I can think of. Any opinions on how these compare? Should I had other options to this shortlist? The amplifier is the (absolutely extraordinary) Nagra Classic AMP.

Thanks! :)
Nagra Classic amp and Wilson Benesch Discovery 2, in a 20 square-M room.
This will be my choice and an option for your consideration
As @willemj has pointed out, this is a smallish room. I’m surprised by the number of recommendations for speakers that, though terrific, are likely not the best fit for the room.

Can you tell us more about your room? Is your room dedicated for audio or is it a mixed use room? Does it open to other rooms / spaces? Room construction material and height (since you are in Portugal, if it is older construction it is likely different than what is typical in the U.S. and Canada).

have you considered Wilson Audio?  I know the secondhand market in Portugal is relatively small, But if you can get a pair of Sophia 3, Watt Puppy 8, or even Sasha 1 used, you will get some amazing resolution and detail.  Can your nagra amp go to 4 ohms?

what part of Portugal are you in? Are you dealing with Imacoustica?
At under 15k the pair why not go for the best (IMO) and pop for a pair of Magnepan 20.7 's.  Pretty hard to beat for the money if you have the room.
I think OP has a small room (around 200 square feet). I used to own Maggie’s and loved them.  The space required for Maggies to fully perform might be a deal breaker here.