Accuphase E-470 or Luxman 590ax II ?

Hi, I have the opportunity to buy either a Accuphase E-470 or Luxman 590ax II for nearly the same price, the speakers are Graham Audio LS 5/9 (bbc speakers) 
The 470 I know is powerful enough , and I been told that the Luxman is much more powerful than the 30 Watts would suggest and should drive the 5/9 without problems in my 18 kvadrad room.
I don’t have a opportunity to try the amps at home.
From a sonic standpoint, which one would you recommend ?
does your local shop carry Accuphase or Luxman? It is okay to list multiple shops for each brand. I would not suspect that (1) represents both brands under the same roof. My closest Accuphase dealer/retailer is in Dallas TX.
Happy Listening!
My dealer Audio Video Therapy in Nashua NH carries Luxman. In fact the Luxman rep was at the store a week ago at the store's annual fall audio show. Best sound at the show. One piece of info about Luxman their entire line is now made in Japan. They made some product in China but have completely pulled out. 
Hi Jafant

As linnlingo mentioned, AVT carries Luxman.  I have purchased several pieces from them.  I purchased my Accuphase gear from Legends (Cape Cod and Florida). 
greg, what were you running for speakers with that 590? Just curious,