Accuphase E-470 or Luxman 590ax II ?

Hi, I have the opportunity to buy either a Accuphase E-470 or Luxman 590ax II for nearly the same price, the speakers are Graham Audio LS 5/9 (bbc speakers) 
The 470 I know is powerful enough , and I been told that the Luxman is much more powerful than the 30 Watts would suggest and should drive the 5/9 without problems in my 18 kvadrad room.
I don’t have a opportunity to try the amps at home.
From a sonic standpoint, which one would you recommend ?
builder3 - I was using Aerial Acoustics 7T until a few months ago when I purchased some Totem Element Metals. I am considering a high-end tube rig so these will be more "tube friendly". I will be selling my E-600 in a few weeks to fund the upgrade.

Jafant - I am still using Tellurium Q Black Diamond also that may change depending on synergy with my new gear.
greginnh, have you had a turntable in your system? I think that's going to be my next big expenditure. So far, my mind is fully 'boggled'.
When I was looking for info on your cables, I came across your thread here from earlier in the year. I assume the 803's are gone. What didn't you like about them? They've always intrigued me, but I've never seen or heard a pair.
I have a VPI Classic TT.  I like it a lot. 

I sold the 803's since I moved and my new room was too small for that speaker.