Need a new AV receiver

AV receiver will be used 100% for movies and televsion (all two channel music will be through a Plinius 9200 integrated). I was thinking Denon 3806 (reviews seem to bag on the remote), Marantz 7001 or 8001, Arcam 350, Rotel 1057, Pioneer Elite VSX-84 and 82. Any preferences, or other ones I should be thinking about?
I just bought a used Rotel 1055 and I am very happy with the sound. Before I had two so-called high end power amps that cost a multiple. But the Rotel makes the movie sound a lot more thrilling!!!!
Set-up is very flexible, connectors are plenty. So I can recommend the 1057, which I believe adds video conversion to what the 1055 does...
Second the RX-V2700. Superb H/T combined with video processing, scaling of anything up thru 1080i via HDMI. Very powerful amp section.
I would pick Rotel or Arcam. Don't forget B&K too. Marantz is built off Pioneer chassis. It's the same gear+ improved audio stages.
I chose the Arcam AVR350, having auditioned the comparable Pioneer Elite, Denon, and Yamaha receivers. Yamaha 2700 was impressive, but the DETAIL of the AVR350 won me over. Dialogue throught the center sounded clear and PRESENT. Just my opinion.
You mentioned nothing about your room, setup, acoustics, or speakers and associated equipment in the system. It's like recommending clothes without mentioning the persons dimmensions and environment in which they'll be wearing it!Denon 3806, sounds good for you, with superb room EQ (most rooms are really gunna need help acoustically) plus really really efficient Klipsch speakers in your system (the Denon smooths top end a bit, for brighter gear/speakers), should sound good for and HT receiver setup. Otherwise, you must definitely consider setting ALL RECEIVERS to "small", for the speakers, and preferably adding an external amp for the speakers!! Receivers are pretty weak dynamically for amp section, even preamp section often. Good luck