Celestion Ditton 44 Speakers

Does anyone have or ever had Celestion Ditton 44 speakers? I saw a pair at a thrift shop, excellent condition, cheap, and could not resist buying them. I am currently have them hooked up to my store system (In budget minded virtual systems). Any comments about them? Has anyone ever replaced or upgraded the capacitors in the crossovers of vintage speakers?
My comments after a week of listening: Very listenable; no listening fatigue; punchy bass (they have a 12 inch woofer). However, they are noticably somewhat "muddier" than the CAMBER speakers I have been using. Not lots muddier, but somewhat muddier. By muddier, I mean less precice sounding. (The Celestions are three way speakers, and the Cambers are two way with a 7" woofer, and that may partly explain why the Celestions sound muddier.) I will hook the Cambers back up when I get around to it. However, I would like to try the Celestions in a room that is more appropriatly set up acoustically. If you look at my virtual system, there are serious issues with the room of my store system, but that is where I listen most.
Cripes, I have a pair of Ditton 33's, that I think are still In the loft somewhere lurking, I think I purchased them around the time Tchaikovsky was writing an Overture, I think It was circa 1812. No desire to get them out as they have had their days. A mate at school had a pair of Ditton 66's that were in their day very good, again circa 1812. I was envious but I couldn't quite stretch to the height of the 66's, so had to make do with the 33's.
My goodness! I had a pair of 44s dating back... just after electricity replaced gas lighting.
I remember being excited at the sound.
The 44s use Celestion HF 2000 tweeters which are considered one of the best tweeters ever made.You also find them in other great speakers like Gale 401,BBC LS3/5a and Spendor BC3.
any desire to sell them? if so I would be interested. I want another set of speakers and would like to match the sensitivity of my 44's as closely as possible.