Spearit Sound Inventory

Anybody have an inside line on who bought Spearit Sound's liquidation inventory? They had some great stuff.
My purchase was through Audiogon however you can phone them and place an order.
BTW: I agree, I'm going to miss those guys!
I know Safe & Sound in Chicopee took over as the NAD dealer. I could not think of a better replacement. Every time I call them, I get Mike ( the owner) on the phone. And so far my entire system was bought from them. I make a point to drive 1.5 hours from Boston just to do business with them.
"I know Safe & Sound in Chicopee took over as the NAD dealer."

It does look like they may have bought Spearit Sounds NAD inventory.  Their NAD ads on Audiogon look very similar to Spearits Sound's. 

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