Former Spica owners ... what did you trade up to ?

This question is brought on by my borrowing of a friend's Spendor s3/5. The spendors are very highly reviewed, particularly in the area of imaging. To cut a long story short I lived with the spendors for 3 days and then put back my trusty Spica Angelus and the conclusion...

The spicas are head and shoulders above the Spendors in every possible way, but especially in imaging. With the spendors it was very apparent that the sound was coming from two small boxes. The sound was also veiled, which surprised me since their top end extension is supposed to be superior to the aging angelus.

Ok the Spendors win in looks. But that's it.

So that got me thinking, with all the review hype out there I need to hear from previous spica owners on which speakers they have found to be a clear upgrade, both monitors and floorstanders.
I had TC50's too, years ago. Owned them for over 12 years. Loved em! They are champs at imaging, but I've since owned even better monitor-sized speakers that image even better: Silverline SR17's. Of course you will pay alot more than your Spicas cost, but as far as bang4$ I haven't heard much better in that price range. The SR17's are head and shoulders above the Spicas in more ways than one. As far as what I gave them up for....I yearned for a more full range and went over to Klipsch Forte II floor standing horn-loaded speakers and also switched from SS to tubes at the same time. There was no turning back at that point. I tried listening to the TC50's again a few months later. They still imaged like champs, but left me yearning for the rest of the music/range I was hearing with the Forte II's. I've since moved on several times but have stuck with vintage Klipsch with tubes and really found my Nirvana in that combination.

actually Dunlavy 4 is a better speaker than the Mirage I recommended above but the Mirage is good speaker also Mirage is very musical sounding and vary easy to just listen to the music with them. I have nice memories of their sound.