Support table or shelf for turntable

I was hoping to replace my oak table with either a wall mounted shelf of a heavy steel table.
The reason is that I am finding that the oak is picking up and transmitting vibrations to the turntable, a Garrard 401 in a birch ply plinth. I am hoping to move to a slate plinth and wanted to maximize the support strength and reduce feedback.
Here is a link to the shelf and here is a link to the table. Both examples of what I'm looking at.
Shelf would be mounted to concrete wall. Table would stand on concrete floor.
Is it OK for me to use Audiogon's (lame) policy to have posts removed that might expose one's truth?
Post removed 
It's guys like him that have ruined these forums.  Very interesting that he's one of the few that Geoff agreed with...on anything.  Are they the same person?

Keep it classy, slaw.
@slaw hi. I hope you've had a great day. I spent the day in the Ozark mountains, helping coach and organize a middle and high school mountain bike race. I've had no reception since I posted those humorous retorts to your posts this morning. So, any posts removed (mine and yours) were removed by a moderator with absolutely no input or requests from me. 

My freshman son took 4th place in this race and 5th overall for this, his first season. So proud!