Ohm Walsh speakers; Anyone have any experience

I have been interested in the Ohm Walsh drivers, and their uniformly positive reviews, and omnidirectional nature. Does anyone have enough exposure to these to provide a critical assessment? Happy listening, D
The Ohm "Walsh Series" do not use a "real" Walsh driver, nor are they omni-directional. This series of products are basically living off of past reputation and bear little resemblance to previous Ohm designs ( A, F, G ) that did use authentic Walsh radiators. This is not to say that you won't like what they do for you with your system in your room, only that one should read their literature and claims VERY carefully. Others obviously do like them, so you may be part of that crowd. The fact that they offer something like a 90 or 120 day in-home trial ( minus shipping charges ) is quite outstanding coming from any loudspeaker manufacturer. Sean
ohm is one of a handful of companies who have survived the hi end wars by simply building great products that sell on word of mouth and not on good reviews bartered for advertising dollars...they need a lot of power to really sing, but will exhibit true fullrange hi fi sound that flatters all types of music(as any great loudspeaker should).
I have a set of Ohm F's in my main SS system driven by phase inverted Dynaco 416s operating as monoblocks (@1000wpc at 6 ohms) they are the clearest and fastest speakers I have ever had with the least amount of hash. No great in the bass dept. but not bad.

I have a set of Walsh 2s in a bedroom system and they work great with their omni directional qualities. This is a mid-fi system that sounds quite nice. Being driven by 100wpc.SS receiver.
Zorpman: As you may be aware, i have two sets of Ohm F's. Not to side-track this thread, but i'd love to compare notes with you regarding your installation / experiences with the F's. We can do this publicly on this forum so that others can read our notes and possibly contribute to or learn from our experiences or talk privately via email. Personally, i would prefer to do it publicly as i think it provides a greater amount of resources for those interested in these rare and relatively "odd-ball" speakers or other designs that share similar attributes.

Other than that, i was going to post a link to a website that was dedicated to Walsh driver based speaker systems, but it appears that the web address is no longer valid. It was interesting if for no other reason than to see a pair of A's and F's. Sean
I would be interested in any sonic differences between the original conical design and the newer "can" iteration. References alluding to 'extremely high instrument resolution,' means to me that these may be excellent prospects for high resolution, high current, impedance indifferent, digital amplifiers.