Tube Amplifier for Thiel

I recently pick up a pair of Thiel CS3.6. As like many reviews online said, they are awesome speakers. I am using Musical Fidelity A5 int amp (200wpc @4 Ohms, 400wpc @8 Ohms) to drive them. I can't say the A5 is not good, but I kind of feel it not quite musical, crispy, fast... These seem to be the strengths I found in most tube amplifiers I have auditioned before. I am thinking of replacing the A5 with a tube int amp; however, I worry that normal tube int amps are not "powerful" enough to drive the big Thiel (I am a bass lover).

I currently have Prima Luna Dialogue 2, Cayin A-100T/A-70T (and probably VTL IT-85) on my list. I would appreciate if some one could comment on these choices. I also welcome any other tube/SS int amp suggestions (even tube pre/SS power amp) in that price range.

Thank you!
I have had multiple pairs of Thiels including 2 pairs of CS5i's.
I have had a wealth of experience modding the Thiel and have found that the issue / reason that everyone wants a tube amp is the hardness that they exhibit.  Knowing that the drivers in these are used by many other manufacturers without the hardness I decided to figure it out when I got my second set of CS5i's. Well it is NOT the drivers!
It is the styrene caps that they used everywhere. Styrene has good dielectric properties however they can sound hard and close to half of the 84 of the 1uf styrene's caps in the 5i's were loosely wound and spongy soft.  Replacing then with the right flavor modern caps will transform ANY Thiel that is using the 1uf styrene caps that they used everywhere. I have my secret formula that several people are now using with raving results. I wound up buying hundreds of these so I could affordably recap all 4 of my 5i's and have a lot left.

PM me and i will give you a set and you can keep your SS amps. You can have your cake and eat it too. 

On the thread subject there are only a few tube amps that will make the Thiels sing. I have a rare pair of MB Tube amps with 1 ohm taps that are incredible. I also have had the CAT JL2  monster and that does it as well.

I owned Thiel 3.6 and the more power (current) the better they sounded because they are mostly 2ohms for most of the audio band and only 85db efficient . Look for a quality solid state amp as Thiel states of 100-500w and I would also look for quality amps that use bi-polar output devices, as these deliver current better than Mosfets can.

From Stereophile bench measurments:
" The low impedance value explains the CS3.6's need for the iron-fisted Mark Levinson No.23.5 to provide control in the bass; the CS3.6 would appear to be current-hungry."

Cheers George 

Thanks! for sharing- George
compared to the 3.6, the newer models benefit from high current power amps as well.
Happy Listening!