Equi=core 1200 OR Equi=tech 1R OR Isotek EVO3 Aquarius

I've pretty much narrowed my search down to these three units, but I'm having difficulty deciding between them.  Has anybody had any comparative experience between at least two of them?
I’ve never had the pleasure of using or hearing the Isotek EVO3 Aquarius, however, I found this interesting video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i12vyTf7vyg

I do own an Equi=Core 1800 and an Equi=tech Q2. I don’t know if it makes any difference but watch the video and the ease that the speaker has when lifting and turning the Aquarius due to its less weight. I guarantee you that can’t be done with the Equi=core 1200 OR Equi=tech 1R because of their massive weight. I don’t know if that makes a difference but I wanted to go on record as pointing that out. Perhaps the three you asked about have a trial demo period depending on where you purchase them from?

Let us know what you end up with.
Best regargs...
I have to agree with @lak the video was pretty amusing just how light that unit is.
There are some really good reviews written about the Isotek EVO3 Aquarius. I'm not aware of the electronics inside of the unit, most likely another way to clean power that weighs a lot less than what I think of traditionally. Perhapes something along the line of my Shunyata Research Denali D2000/T.

Thanks for the feedback. I found this video; unless I’m missing something, it’s pretty impressive.


There’s not a great deal inside the unit. Mainly what look like chokes to me. No idea what language this is.


Whatever they’re doing, it’s definitely a different approach, as posters have pointed out, to the Equi= school.

@twoleftears the two videos were interesting. Shunyata Research has a similar video out on YouTube that also demonstrates their unit with a Monster Power device that demonstrates clean power vs. dirty power by using a Wideband powerline & EMI Noise Analyzer.
I actually own and use a Wideband powerline & EMI Noise Analyzer. Funny how it always seems to work better on YouTube than when used by the average guy at home. I must admit that the Isotek EVO3 Aquarius does look really good.