Tekton DIs or Legacy Focus SEs?

I saw on the forum the huge discussion of the Tekton DI speakers after I had been looking at them and the Legacy Focus SEs. I have upgraded my components to many Agoner's advice and I'm now running a Parasound Halo A-21 with a Mac C48 pre, all pushing B&W 802 Matrix 3 speakers. While I love my 802s, I'm frustrated with the lack of rock performance they produce, Jazz is definitely more their forte! Can any of you Agoners who've heard or owned both help me with this dilemma so I can push the button on one of these obviously awesome speakers???Thanx!


I can’t speak to the Tektons, but I bought the Legacy Signature SEs earlier this year, which are one step down from the Focus SEs I believe. These are spectacular speakers. The twin woofers and the AMT mid range/tweeter units...they produce a fantastic soundstage in my room now. I just tweaked the placement a bit recently...just a wide, precise soundstage, huge depth and it’s all so transparent.

Edit: They are great for rock and electronic music, as I mainly listen to jazz, rock and electronic, I needed a pair of speakers that perform well with all genres.
+1 for Legacy SE's they rock! Oh, and you certainly won't need a sub. Can't speak to the DI's.
As Charles mentioned I had both speakers in my home for over a month. Both are great speakers. I sold the Legacys and have been enjoying the DI's for over a year now. Both speakers did many things right but to my ears the DI's are more musical and definitely more dynamic. In my room the DI's disappear creating a wall of sound that is deep, dynamic and precise with great tone and realism. The DI's won't be in my main system for long though......my DI SE's should be arriving in the next month ;)
Thanks all! I think this gives me enough AMMO, to make a decision. I do love the aesthetic of the Legacys better and figured they would have more bass. As I said, my 802s are weak there, so I’ve been craving the speakers of old where 12-15 inch woofers were commonplace and gave a good visceral smack to your chest. But the majority rules, so I will try the DI’s...they’ll fit my listening room better anyway.
Cochicks4, I have the tekton monitor impact their dynamic and live presentation are hard to beat, how much more is the DI, my bet you will keep them. I only hear legacy speakers on audio shows they look very nice.