Let's talk power cords

Does a upgrade really make a difference over a stock cord?
Peer reviews just slow me down. Science has become a lumbering bureaucracy that impedes progress. Full speed ahead! Toot, toot! Science is blissfully unaware. Let sleeping dogs lie.

so, you don’t need peer reviews. May people you disagree with use the same privilege?
Peer review is designed to slow down the output of BS - that is its function.
The problem is the Teleportation Tweak has no peer. So how can it be peer reviewed? Duh! Like applying for patents.it's not a good idea to submit to peer review if one wishes to keep a secret. Looselips sink ships. Besides let me remind you this is a hobby. There is no peer review committe or procrss. This is not the faculty of Harvard. Journal of Physics or AES.You could put 10 PhDs in physics in a room for a week and they would be unable to scratch the surface of the Teleportation Tweak. I do have an explanation of the Teleportation Tweak on my website,if that's of any help.