Current recording engineers - what cables used?

Two sets of questions for currently active recording engineers participating on this forum:

1) what cables are you using for power supply and low level signals in your recording studio? What is the overriding factor in this decision - cost, durability/reliability or performance? If higher quality is desired in certain applications, where and why? If these are trade secrets, tell us anyway :-)

2) what cables are you using in your home system, if you have one, and do you consider yourself an “audiophile”? What is the overriding factor in this decision - cost, durability/reliability or performance?

Some aftermarket suppliers of audiophile cables boast that their products are used in pro studios.  Others posting here have suggested that use has more to do with durability than exotic design and performance.  This makes no sense to me because I have build bullet proof power cables with hardware store parts at low cost that could be dragged through hell and work for years, but did not come close to more exotic design in terms of audio performance in my systems.

I would assume this forum focused on audiophile home gear might select for recording professionals that are more informed on the audiophile cable “market” and have more developed opinions on this, and so do not represent a general crossection of the pro industry.  But had to ask anyway.
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I think this is a great thread.  Haven't had time yet to go and read the articles but really looking forward to it.  For my part, I've been using an Apogee Wyde Eye digital cable for years and can't seem to take it out of my system.  Stupid cheap by audiophile standards, but just sounds like music.  After all the fidgeting and expense we incur messing with wires it'll be interesting to hear more of what the sources of our music actually use. 

They found out that cables are critical... But these differences were found on very long lengths, right? Not 5ft of interconnects or 10ft speaker wires?
I appreciate the posts so far.  23 kilometers of cables @maplegrovemusic , golly. Anybody have an answer for @chrisr ? 
All cables are critical at all lengths. You want a mediocre system and sound? Ignore it.
Yes, all cables are critical. Also, the longer the cable the more signal loss. I did hear an opinion that with digital cables and power cords you don't want the shortest cables possible, I think 5ft minimum was recommended. With digital rationale was, and I have no clue of these things, that there was some data bouncing back to the transport, and with power cords that they need certain length to filter out the interference. I cannot confirm any of this, I have no digital cables and all my power cords are 5" - 6".