Need upgrade from Denon 1520 and better DAC

  Currently running the Denon 1520 CD player as transport and cheap DAC.With the price of upgrading both wouldn't I be better off getting a newer player used or new with much better Dac  at under a grand or look for separates?
What are you planning to use the new gear for, spinning CDs only, or CDs plus other digital formats like streaming digital files from a server or computer?  If the former, you could get away with a very good used Redbook CD player, and life would be simple.  If the latter there are a lot of options but no need to list here if unecessary.
 Redbook CD's a few sacd but it must be able to play CDR's as I record records off my Alesis masterlink also.My Denon sounds good with recorded LP's from Alesis but commerical redbook CD's not so much.
SACDs.  You need a universal player/transport in your chain.  I would suggest a used Oppo 105 or 105D.  You don’t need all the video elements, but it has good two-channel DAC.  Can be had for under a grand. All needs in one box.  Another choice is used Arcam CDP or universal player that handle all three formats you suggest. Again, one box solutions, could find for less than $1k