USB Cable Comparison Audience / Cardas / Purist / Stealth / Wireworld

I've been meaning to share my findings and impressions from a recent six cable comparison of USB cables.

What follows is a 'work in progress draft' that I will be finalizing and posting on a blogging site.

Getting this posted is a way of lighting a fire under myself so I get the write-up finalized. And to keep my promise to share my findings with a number of Audiogoners.

What is posted is the first phase of the 'shoot-out' involving four cables.

Please note:

- This is not finalized and I will be making edits, and adding information, etc.

- This is the first phase of the comparison.

- The second phase will be posted soon.
Ag insider logo xs@2xdavid_ten

Here is one example of a track I used to assess the cables. It isn’t a typical audiophile choice, but it served a number of purposes for my evaluation.

The differences between the cables are illustrative and reflective of the final outcomes.

’Giorgio by Moroder’ on Random Access Memories by Daft Punk

There is a long [1:50 min:sec] segment of Giovanni ’Giorgio’ Moroder speaking. He’s speaking at a venue (overlaid in the recording studio) with venue information, background voices/music/sounds, an electronic arpeggio beat and house music.

I like evaluating components / my system with voice segments. This particular track offers layered and very different types of information, essentially at the same time or very closely together. The highlight for me is Girogio’s spoken English with a slight accent.

A series of clicks are introduced into the track at the 1:30 mark. The track transitions to full on synth beat after the 1:52 mark. This evaluation was focused through the 2:00 minute mark.

The comparison resulted in the following rank order: Stealth > Purist 30th > Wireworld.

P30: The musical line lightly powers over his voice and there is a slight haze with less micro-detail vs the Stealth. There is slightly less background information when the track opens (the first few seconds). It’s presentation is superior to the WW and it moves closer to the Stealth in fullness and the energy conveyed (vs the WW). I found it a smidge slower and with slightly rounder definition than the Stealth.

WW: The bass is rounder than both the Stealth and P30. There is more movement to the clicks in the soundstage (with the P30 and Stealth - the clicks are more fixed positionally) and they are not delivered with the solidity and body of the Stealth. The WW sounds ’thinner’ and less palpable than the Stealth. The voice also comes across slightly faster / ’rushed’ perhaps. The WW did very well with background and venue detail and information.

The WW presentation is not as musically engaging. It doesn’t sound as my notes, I label the sound with respect to the other two cables as ’artificial sounding’ for this specific segment.

Stealth: The conversation sounds very real, to my ears. The clarity/transparency delivers superior voice vs. the other two cables. The inflections, the breaks and starts, the breathing and subtleties of his voice and accent are clearer and more real. There is more body and weight to the voice, which also holds up at lower volumes (vs the other cables).

As a very specific example within this track segment and the voice part of it: the ’trill’ in the ’R’ in when he says his own name ’Giorgio’ at ~1:50 is expressed better.

The venue information and background voices and noises are presented better than the other cables. The bass line is both tighter and more musical throughout and doesn’t overpower Giorgio’s voice. The timing or pace of the music is the best among these cables. It has the more impactful and musically engaging presentation among these three cables.

The Stealth puts me more ’There’ and with more of an ’It’ or ’Wow’ factor, when I compare these cables. The Purist 30th Anniversary is a close second. The WW a more distant third, with this specific track segment.

For those interested, here is a link to more information on this recording, courtesy Wikipedia:

Most companies recommend 1.5 meters for USB. I know Wireworld suggests 1.5 meters as the optimal length. Does Stealth suggest 1.5 meters as optimal? I noticed that the WW was 1 meter, do you think the results would differ if the WW was 1.5 meters?
@ricred1   Good question and point.

I've heard smaller than 1M lengths for some USB cables being best. I've also read about avoiding longer lengths for some types of interconnect cables.

I did not ask the question specifically of any of the the cable companies represented in this comparison.

Stealth's FAQ section does not address cable length. It does address a number of other issues. I reached out to Audience for a separate question, and their response did not address cable length.

I requested equal lengths of cabling from The Cable Co. but they were not able to match all, via their lending program. 

When I was ready to purchase the Stealth I asked The Cable Co specifically about the length (the demo was 1.5M) because I did not want any surprises with a new length. I was informed that there would be no sonic difference or penalty or upside between the 1M to 2M lengths of Stealth.

I chose the 1M length because I don't like having excess cable hanging off the shelves and also paying for a length I am unlikely to need, in this application.

I cannot, from memory, discern any difference in the performance between my Stealth 1M and the 1.5M demo. 

Have you found differences? It will be good to know if you have. Thanks.
@dlcockrum  @t_ramey  @knownothing   

Thank you for your kind words. Good to hear you like the write-up. It's been exhausting and time-consuming. So the 'thumbs up' is appreciated.