Genalex GL GZ-34 Rectifier...Did I just get a bad one? Five months seems

like a terribly short lifespan. I bought it in May and spent the extra money to get a "good" tube. It sounded good while it lived. But it went in a fiery inferno last weekend.  Fortunately it only took out a fuse.

It was running in a Bob Latino VTA ST-70 Dynaco amp. It's a great amp but runs the rectifier a bit hard from my understanding. However the original tube lasted at least 3-4 yrs IIRC. I tried a SS rectifier. YUK!! I put the tube (a spare Sovtek) back in place I've had good luck with the KT-66 Genalex GL's and they have a good reputation (I think). Is this just the luck of the draw. IOW, even a new tube can have a short life span? Or is this odd? Is there any way to avoid it? I'd buy another Gennalex GL if it will last. But I can buy 2 Sovteks for the price of one GL. Sovtek sounds good too.

FWIW, The tube that failed was cryo treated. Could that make a difference in a rectifier tube? As always, Thanks for your help.
@artemus_5, thank you for clarifying.

That's certainly disappointing news.  Given Genalex is the premium Russian tube, even more so.  Over time, I've gravitated away from the majority of new production European tubes, both for sonic and reliability reasons.  There certainly are Euro tubes I still prefer, but all things being equal, Chinese tubes tend to sound better, last longer, and cost less
@artemus_5   In light of the fact that you only had the GL tube for 5 months, I think Ron at Cryoset would like to know about the tube's failure and may work with you on a replacement.  Can't hurt to call and see what he says!

Please update after you check in with him.  I would be interested in his reaction to a premature failure.
I have a GL GZ34 rectifier in a Dennis Had SEP amp and of the 3 rectifiers I have, this one seems to sound the best (with KT88s anyway), and has performed perfectly under daily abuse, or use, or something. Non cryoed, from Tube Depot
@wolf_garcia   Good to hear that Gold Lion GZ34 has been working well for you.  I am not, by the way claiming anything mystical about cryogenic treatment.  Once I stopped using NOS Mullards that got noisy quickly in my circuit, I happened to try the Cryoset Gold Lions and had consistently good performance from them that I'm not questioning a good thing.  I am currently using a pair of NOS Tung Sol 5687 in my SACD player sourced from the Tube Depot.  So far so good with them too!
I bought a Shuguang 274B that is way cool looking and is in second place among the rectifiers I own, although it seems to work nearly as well as the GL (I might be imagining the differences, as audio geeks do imagine things at times). It's hard to beat a 274B for the "I'm serious about tubes" impression. My SEP "Fire Bottle" came with a JJ 5Y3 rectifier but it was recommended by some Dennis Had SEP amp freaks that it might not have enough mojo (technical term) for the 88s I run for power tubes, although the amp seemed to sound fine with those. Something about tube "SAG" (Screen Actor's Guild?). Note my 274B cost something like 20 bucks including shipping from China…and it's perfect.