Seeking Advice on NOS DAC

Looking to purchase an NOS DAC, budget is $1500.
Currently available for sale are:

- Metrum Acoustics Hex digital converter  (used)
- Metrum Acoustics Amethyst DAC       (new)
- Acoustic Plan Digimaster Tube DAC     (used)
This is a German-built NOS, 24-bit R-2R resistor ladder network, PCM1704U-K converter with 4 tube EC 86 triode outputs.
- HOLO Audio Spring DAC – LEVEL 2    (new, but over my budget of $1500)

My primary listening is via the PS Audio PWT, while music files on my Mac are steadily increasing. I’m thinking NOS due to my large collection of Redbook CD's.

So, any experience or comments on which way to proceed is appreciated.

@jond, he didn't reply and the ad ended. I emailed the store and it's still for sale, so we will speak via phone call.
Digital Amplifier Company makes a very good usb-spdif converter. Tommy’s products are first rate, I’m listening to his HS Dac and like what I’m hearing. Had a couple of different NOS Dacs. One was a tricked out AN Kits 2.1b Sig loaded up with Black Gates, AN Sliver coupling caps, real AN IV transformers, 2w AN Tantalum resistors, with AN silver hookup wire, and excellent now tubes from Andy at Vintage Tube Services. Best dac I have ever listened to unfortunately I had to unload it back in 2010 when the economy went bad...Effing bankers!
@rodge, it sounds like you're saying the AN 2.1 Sig. is worth persuing.
I plan on asking if any of the high quality electronics were replaced under the hood.

Thanks for the tip on the usb-spdif.
Thanks @chayro . Looks VG for a good price.
I've been thinking about steering away from the ESS Sabre and looking for older multibit or proprietary processing such as the AN.
AN makes great stuff, but I think you're falling into the trap of believing the chip makes the sound.  I think it contributes to it, but I remember Lampizator taking apart some MHZS cd players that used the cheapest dac chip in existence and even he admitted that the player sounded very, very good.  I think part of AN's philosophy is to filter and alter the signal as little as possible, but I think there's more to it than just that.  Anyway, good luck.