Best Footers for DAC?

In January, I plan to acquire my first standalone DAC and am wondering what to try for footers. I currently have original Stillpoints cones under the CDP which will act as transport and a Symposium shelf under my integrated. 
These work well.

In the past, I've tried and been disappointed by Stillpoints Ultra SS and Ultra Minis, brass footers, Cardas myrtle blocks and Vibropods. Are there any products that work particularly well under DACs ? ? ? ? 

I have yet to decide whether DAC will sit atop transport or on its own shelf, so I'd appreciate suggestions for both scenarios, please. 
You might try out some DIY roller blocks.  I'm using them between DAC and wood plinth.  Between plinth and equipment console shelf, am using 3 cork & rubber Isol-Pads.  

When you say, you have tried Vibrapods, do mean the soft rubber Vibrapod footers?  The Vibrapod Cones have seemed more effective to me (even used alone) than the footers.  
try some ball bearings set on ceramic doll house plates - a very cheap test of concept
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Ceramic plates are too flat. The component will slide right off the roller bearings. Besides plates won’t provide rotational Isolation Before anyone hurts himself buy the real thing. Saves a lot of hand wringing and tears.