Best Footers for DAC?

In January, I plan to acquire my first standalone DAC and am wondering what to try for footers. I currently have original Stillpoints cones under the CDP which will act as transport and a Symposium shelf under my integrated. 
These work well.

In the past, I've tried and been disappointed by Stillpoints Ultra SS and Ultra Minis, brass footers, Cardas myrtle blocks and Vibropods. Are there any products that work particularly well under DACs ? ? ? ? 

I have yet to decide whether DAC will sit atop transport or on its own shelf, so I'd appreciate suggestions for both scenarios, please. 
I don't understand!
Aren't DACs fully solid state components with no moving parts? Why bother with isolation?  Are there any scientific reason behind the need for this?

I really like the Stillpoints Ultra SS under my PS Direct Stream Dac. It is rare to find them used at a good price. So people must like them and keep them. Perhaps it was the equipment that you used them with. Make sure the cones are facing up and are not screwed too tight.
