Best Footers for DAC?

In January, I plan to acquire my first standalone DAC and am wondering what to try for footers. I currently have original Stillpoints cones under the CDP which will act as transport and a Symposium shelf under my integrated. 
These work well.

In the past, I've tried and been disappointed by Stillpoints Ultra SS and Ultra Minis, brass footers, Cardas myrtle blocks and Vibropods. Are there any products that work particularly well under DACs ? ? ? ? 

I have yet to decide whether DAC will sit atop transport or on its own shelf, so I'd appreciate suggestions for both scenarios, please. 
scientific (mechanistic) reasons behind use of these for a DAC could include tribo-electric effects, or piezo-electric effects on any internal crystals in the DAC

Google will be helpful - both are known mechanism, tho the magnitude of such effects remain to be demonstrated as affecting SQ

I suggested the dollhouse items as they cost me $6 -so worth a test.

Confirmation bias needs to be excluded from your listening tests, so have a friend switch from the ball bearing setup and screen off the DAC so you can't see.  Do it 10 times and see how many times you get it right.   Do it 20 times and then do a simple t-test on the results.

BTW, an exasperated wife or gf would LOVE to help with this experiment esp. if there is a chance of proving that your incessant fiddling with the HiFi system is worthless.

“Do it 10 times and see how many times you get it right. Do it 20 times and then do a simple t-test on the results”

@randy-11, did you take your meds today 😉 

Who’s in right state of mind conduct these tests 10-20 times?
Post removed 
That’s part of the whole blind test scam. Nobody can pass a blind test 10 times in a row. Give me a break! That’s the beauty of it. That’s why The Amazing Randi never had to pay out a million dollars for any test, ever, not even the blind tests of controversial audiophile thingamabobs like the Intelligent Chip. No one can pass a blind tests 10 times without making a mistake - especially when the test is controlled by The Amazing Randi and his staff of pseudo skeptics. Hel-loo! 😛

Controlled blind tests are analogous to the drowning chair used to determine if a woman was a witch in Salem, Massachusetts. If she drowned she wasn’t a witch. A real witch would have prevented her own death. Duh!